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Institut für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention



  • EBPI News über LinkedIn

    Die EBPI-News exklusiv auf  LinkedIn!

  • Publication success: Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in cystic fibrosis lung disease

    EBPI researchers Thomas Radtke and Susi Kriemler contributed to a paper published in the prestigious American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

  • 3. CCMH Symposium "Komplexes Krankheitsgeschehen, komplexe Versorgung"

    Am 1. November findet das dritte Symposium des Competence Centers for Mental Health in Zürich statt. Milo Puhan und andere Experten werden Vorträge halten und für Fragen zur Verfügung stehen.

  • EBPI Forscher Torsten Hothorn in den öffentlichen Medien

    Torsten Hothorn hat sich an einem Forschungsprojekt beteiligt, in dem es darum
    ging zu untersuchen, ob blaue Reflektoren am Strassenrand die Anzahl an
    Wildunfällen reduzieren.

  • Interview with CRS founder and EBPI member Leonhard Held

    Many studies of empirical research do not stand up to scrutiny upon review. The new Center for Reproducible Science (CRS) at UZH aims to improve the quality of research in this area.

  • MS Register und EBPI Biostatistiker am Digitaltag

    Besuchen Sie das Multiple Sklerose (MS) Register-Team beim Digitaltag am Zürcher HB.

  • ISPAH Congress with EBPI contributions of Anja Frei and Sonja Kahlmeier

    EBPI researchers Sonja Kahlmeier and Anja Frei are appearing today at the 7th ISPAH Congress in London, attended by over 1100 participants from more than 35 countries, carried out in partnership with HEPA Europe, the WHO European network…

  • COPD Pocket Guide in weiteren Sprachen erhältlich

    Claudia Steurer-Stey und ihr EBPI Team haben aktualisierte Versionen ihres COPD Pocket Guides veröffentlicht.

  • EBPhD Program Congratulates New Graduate Einat Schmutz

    The structured PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics is pleased to announce the successful thesis defense of Einat Schmutz.

  • PostDoc Sarah Ziegler becomes a Global Future Council Fellow

    EBPI PostDoc Sarah Ziegler has been selected as Global Future Council Fellow of the World Economic Form.

  • Sabine Rohrmann goes Georgia

    EBPI scientist Sabine Rohrmann received funding from the "Leading House for Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation with Russia and the CIS Region" for a collaborative project with researchers from Georgia.

  • Two researchers from EBPI awarded funding from SSPH+

    EBPI researchers Oliver Grübner and Milo Puhan as well as Emilian Albanese from Università della Svizzera italiana were awarded funding from SSPH+ for their project:  “Social Media Mental Health Surveillance M-HEALTH”.

  • Two researchers from EBPI awarded funding from SSPH+

    EBPI researchers Oliver Grübner and Milo Puhan as well as Emilian Albanese from Università della Svizzera italiana were awarded funding from SSPH+ for a new project.

  • EBPhD Program Congratulates New Graduate Mark Adams

    The structured PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (part of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School) is pleased to announce the successful thesis defense of Mark Adams.

  • UZH/Harvard Medical School in Clinical Investigation successfully completed

    Between August 20-24, the EBPI organized the "UZH/HMS Summer School in Clinical Investigation" at the University of Zurich in close collaboration with the Harvard Medical School (HMS).

  • Jean-Philippe Krieger chosen for a science pitch talk at the LSPDD 2018

    The submitted abstract of EBPI PostDoc Jean-Philippe was selected for a science pitch talk to promote his poster at the Life Sciences PostDoc Day (LSPDD) on 14 September 2018 in Zurich!

  • EBPI researcher Holger Dressel awarded funding from SNSF together with researchers from ETHZ and USZ

    EBPI researcher Holger Dressel together with Gudela Grote and Nadine Bienefeld from ETHZ and Michaela Kolbe from USZ have received the wonderful news that their project «Welcome to the Team Dr. Watson: New Roles and Responsibilities in AI-Supported Healthcare Teams» is being funded by the SNSF as part of the special call «Digital Lives».

  • New EBPI research published

    New EBPI research has been published in the last week.

  • SPAcE project selected as a Success Story by the European Commission

    The Erasmus+ Project SPAcE with significant contributions of EBPI researcher Sonja Kahlmeier and her team has been selected as a success story by a panel of experts from the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission.

  • EBPhD Program Congratulates New Graduate Sarah Ziegler

    The structured PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (part of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School) is pleased to announce the successful thesis defense of Sarah Ziegler.

  • Sabine Rohrmann elected as Swiss representative of the Scientific Council of the IARC

    EBPI researcher and Head of the Cancer Registry of the Cantons Zurich and Zug Sabine Rohrmann was elected as Swiss representative of the Scientific Council of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) for a period of four years starting in 2019.

  • EBPhD Program Congratulates New Graduates Claudia Leeger and Sarah Crook

    The structured PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (part of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School) is pleased to announce the successful thesis defenses of Claudia Leeger and Sarah Crook.

  • NICER gewinnt öffentliches Ausschreibeverfahren für die Nationale Krebsregistrierungsstelle nach KRG

    Gemäss Verfügung des Generalsekretariates des EDI vom 29. Juni wird NICER mit der Führung  der Nationalen Krebsregistrierungsstelle nach dem neuen nationalen Krebsregistrierungsgesetz (KRG) betraut.

  • Sonja Kahlmeier in den Vorstand von Swiss Public Health gewählt

    Am 24. Mai wurde Dr. Sonja Kahlmeier in den Vorstand von Swiss Public Health gewählt.

  • EBPI Researchers funded to study chronic lung allograft failure

    In a collaborative project with the University Hospital Zurich (PD Dr. Christian Benden), EBPI collaborators Dr. Thomas Radtke and Prof. Holger Dressel were recently awarded funding from the Swiss Lung League.

  • Giulia Pestoni won the 2018 SSPH+ ScienceFlashTalk Award

    We are pleased to announce that Giulia Pestoni, EBPhD student at the EBPI has won the second of three events of the 2018 SSPH+ ScienceFlashTalk Award.

  • EBPI Forscherin Sabine Rohrmann im Interview

    EBPI Forscherin Sabine Rohrmann hat dem CSS Magazin ein Interview zum Thema «Zucker» gegeben.

  • EBPhD Program Congratulates Katarina Matthes and Manuela Ott

    The structured PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (part of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School) is pleased to announce the successful thesis
    defenses of Katarina Matthes and Manuela Ott.

  • Jean-Philippe Krieger receives financial support from UZH Graduate Campus

    From July 9 to July 16, EBPI PostDoc Jean-Philippe Krieger will stay at the John B. Pierce Laboratory of the Yale Medical School (New Haven, Connecticut), where he will get the opportunity to discuss and plan his future experimental projects with Prof. Guillaume de Lartigue, a world-leading expert in neurophysiology.

  • Zürcher Forum P&G «Gute Erholung! Ferien und Gesundheit» Montag, 25. Juni 2018

    Ferien sollen der Erholung dienen. Doch Reisen in entfernte Länder und andere Klimazonen können auch mit Risiken verbunden sein. Neben Krank­heiten und Unfällen können Stress und Unsicherheiten den Erholungswert von Ferien schmälern. Am Zürcher Forum P&G erläutern Fachleute zentrale Zusammenhänge und geben Tipps, wie man sich auf Reisen vor Krankheiten schützt.

  • The Swiss MS Registry at 3sat Nano

    EBPI researchers give insights into our Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Registry on nano, the science TV programme on 3sat. Watch the full episode here!

  • EBPI researchers win poster award

    At the Joint Annual Conference of the Swiss Society of Pneumology 2018 in St. Gallen on May 24th, Erin West and her team took home the Poster Discussion Award. 

  • Muriel Buri & Sonja Hartnack awarded funding for UZH - Makerere University (Uganda) biostatistics collaboration

    Congratulations to EBPhD student Muriel Buri and UZH Veterinary Epidemiologist Dr. vet. med. Sonja Hartnack.

  • Successful start of the HOMEX-1 trial

    We are happy to announce that almost one-third of the required 120 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have already been successfully recruited for the HOMEX-1 trial in the participating rehabilitation centers Klinik Barmelweid, Berner Reha Zentrum Heiligenschwendi, Zürcher RehaZentren Wald and Kantonsspital Winterthur.

  • Summer School in Clinical Investigation - a UZH and Harvard Medical School Initiative

    We are very pleased to announce that the registration for the UZH/HMS (Harvard Medical School) Summer School in Clinical Investigation is now open.
    It will take place from 20-24 August 2018 in Zurich, Switzerland.

  • EBPI twitters again

    The Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute (EBPI) Twitter account ends its deep sleep and starts again to actively spread all EBPI related news into the world.
    Follow us on Twitter.

  • Valuable contributions of 11 EBPI members at the Wennberg International Collaborative Spring Policy Meeting

    On April 12 and 13, the 2018 Wennberg International Collaborative Spring Policy Meeting strongly focusing on the Swiss Health Care System, took place in Zurich.

  • Further funding for the SURfit study secured

    The SURfit Team under the lead of EBPI collaborator Prof. Dr. med. Susi Kriemler is investigating if physical exercise can improve health and quality of life in young childhood cancer survivors and…

  • EBPhD student Hélène awarded for the EBPI mini grant “Guest Scientist for a Day”

    Hélène receives internal funding for inviting Su Golder from the University of York, UK to the EBPI for a two-day visit entitled “Using unpublished data, text mining and social media to retrieve evidence on adverse effects”.

  • 10th International Summer School on “Spatial epidemiology, social media, and urban health” with EBPI contribution

    The 10th International Summer School on “Spatial epidemiology, social media, and urban health” taking place in Berlin between September 17-21, 2018 is now launched with significant contribution of the EBPI researcher Oliver Grübner.

  • Milo Puhan and Jan Fehr in the national and international press

    Last weekend, two EBPI researchers were in the focus of the national and international press: The Tagesanzeiger published a portrait on the EBPI director Milo Puhan. You can access the Tagesanzeiger article here.

  • EBPI to lead a national study on outpatient oncological rehabilitation

    A national study on outpatient oncology rehabilitation in Switzerland was launched in late February 2018 as part of the National Cancer Strategy.

  • Congratulations to EBPhD student Salome Adam, selected as Young Investigator by MASCC

    The EBPI congratulates EBPhD student Salome Adam for receiving a Young Investigator Award by the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC).

  • Wichtiger Meilenstein der SURfit Studie erreicht

    Die Forschungsgruppe um Susi Kriemler (EBPI) und Nicolas von der Weid (UKBB) hat die angestrebte Anzahl von 150 Probanden erfolgreich in die SURfit-Studie eingeschlossen.

  • EBPI researchers successfully published an important paper about a COPD self-management intervention

    The EBPI scientists Claudia Steurer-Stey, Kaba dalla Lana, Julia Braun and Milo Puhan were rewarded for their hard work in COPD research by a publication in the renowned European Respiratory Journal. In their study, COPD patients who participated in the “Living well with COPD” (LWWCOPD) self-management intervention were compared with patients from the primary care COPD Cohort ICE COLD ERIC, who did not receive the self-management intervention.

  • Cantonal Medical Service Zurich and EBPI launch new lecture series „Kantonsärztliche Fortbildung Zürich“ from April

    The Cantonal Medical Service Zurich in collaboration with the EBPI is launching the lecture series „Kantonsärztliche Fortbildung Zürich“. Every second Wednesday starting on April 11th, 2018 between 11am and 12pm…

  • EBPhD Program Congratulates New Graduate Heidi Seibold

    The structured PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (part of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School) is pleased to announce the successful thesis defense of Heidi Seibold.

  • Feierliche Eröffnung des Innovationsparks Zürich mit EBPI Beteiligung

    Milo Puhan setzte mit seiner Innovationsrede über Neugier, Risiko und Innovation spannende gedankliche Impulse.

  • Claudia Steurer-Stey lanciert mit Partnern eine neue Asthma-Kampagne

    «Trotz Asthma möglichst unbeschwert und beschwerdefrei leben»: Das ist die Mission und das Ziel der neuen Asthma-Kampagne, die von AstraZeneca Schweiz zusammen mit  Prof. Claudia Steurer-Stey vom EBPI und der kantonalen Lungenliga, Verein Lunge Zürich lanciert wurde.

  • Susi Kriemler hält ihre Antrittsvorlesung

    Das EBPI gratuliert Susi Kriemler zu ihrer Ernennung zur Titularprofessorin an der medizinischen Fakultät.

  • EBPhD Program Congratulates New Graduate Isaac Gravestock

    The structured PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (part of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School) is pleased to announce the successful thesis defense of Isaac Gravestock.

  • Newsletter Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung Kanton Zürich

    Kürzlich ist der erste Newsletter von Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung Kanton Zürich erschienen.

  • PhD student Einat Schmutz is awarded for feminno

    Einat Schmutz is awarded for feminno which is a the career development program for woman scientists being interested in the science-innovation interface.

  • Zürcher Präventionstag: «Suizidprävention», 16.03.18

    Freitag 16. März 2018; Pfarreizentrum Liebfrauen, Weinbergstr. 36, 8006 Zürich; 9:00-16:00 Uhr

    Das Thema Suizid wirft viele Fragen auf: Wohin können sich Menschen in einer suizidalen Krise wenden? Welche Handlungsmöglichkeiten gibt es für Betroffene und Umfeld? Welche ethischen Fragen stellen sich im privaten und beruflichen Alltag? Der Zürcher Präventionstag 2018 vermittelt praxisorientiertes Fachwissen für den Umgang mit Menschen in suizidalen Krisen und stellt Hilfsangebote im Kanton Zürich vor.

  • Epi Biostats PhD Program Congratulates Nadine Häusler and Alex Marzel

    The PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (part of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School) is pleased to announce the graduations of Nadine Häusler and Alex Marzel.

  • Cantonal Medical Service Zurich and EBPI launch new lecture series „Kantonsärztliche Fortbildung Zürich“

    The Cantonal Medical Service Zurich in collaboration with the EBPI is launching the lecture series „Kantonsärztliche Fortbildung Zürich“.

  • EBPI Colloquium „Global Health“ Series is launched

    On 17th January, 2018 the new EBPI Colloquium “Global Health” Spring Series will start. We invited speakers from Switzerland and abroad to get an idea of global public health relevant topics.

  • Successful completion of the SPAcE project

    After three years work, the project SPAcE (Supporting Policy and Action for Active Environments) was closed at the end of 2017. Sonja Kahlmeier from EBPI was a partner of this project consortium, whose overall objective was the development of local action plans to promote sustainable active urban environments in 5 cities and towns across the EU.

  • Milo Puhan neuer Präsident der Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+)

    Milo Puhan wurde am 15. Dezember 2017 vom Stiftungsrat der SSPH+ zum neuen Präsidenten und damit Nachfolger von Prof. Marcel Tanner ernannt.

  • Epi Biostats PhD Program Congratulates Beniamino Guerra

    The PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (part of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School) is pleased to announce the graduation of Beniamino Guerra.

  • EBPI Forscher entwickeln COPD Pocket Guide

    Die Prognose der chronisch obstruktiven Lungenkrankheit (COPD) und
    der Verlauf können durch pharmakologische und nicht pharmakologische Behandlungsmöglichkeiten günstig beeinflusst werden. In der Umsetzung dieser Massnahmen bestehen jedoch grosse Unterschiede mit Folgen für die Patienten
    und das Gesundheitssystem.

  • HEPA Europe conference with EBPI contribution

    The 13th Annual Meeting and 8th Conference of the European network for the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA Europe) took place in Zagreb, Croatia, from 15 to 17 November 2017.

  • Andrea Farnham successfully finished her PhD

    On 03 November 2017, Andrea Farnham successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled, "Innovation in Travel Medicine Using Mobile Technology: the TOURIST Study," supervised by Christoph Hatz and Milo Puhan.

  • Congratulations to Erica Ponzi, SNSF Doc.Mobility recipient

    The EBPI congratulates EBPhD student Erica Ponzi, who was recently awarded funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation through the Doc.Mobility mechanism.

  • Georg Bauer hält seine Antrittsvorlesung

    Das EBPI gratuliert Georg Bauer zur Ernennung zum Titularprofessor an der medizinischen Fakultät. Prof. Bauers Antrittsvorlesung wird am Montag, den 06. November von 18:15 – 19:00 Uhr in der Aula der UZH, Rämistrasse 71, stattfinden.

  • Zürcher Forum Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung «Wo brennt's denn?»

    Wo brennt’s denn? – Sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten heute
    Am Zürcher Forum Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung vom Montag 20. November 2017 informieren Fachleute über aktuelle Entwicklungen und diskutieren, wie sich Präventionsangebote verändern müssen, um Übertragungsrisiken einzuschränken.

  • PhD student Wenjia Wei awarded for the EBPI internal “Guest Scientist for a Day” grant

    EBPhD student Wenjia Wei was awarded for the EBPI mini grant "Guest Scientist for a Day".

  • EBPhD Student Sarah Crook Accepted For An ERS-Fellowship

    PhD student Sarah Crook was awarded for the 6 months fellowship on guideline methodology offered by the European Respiratory Society (ERS), the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), and Cochrane.

  • EBPI congratulates SNSF-funded researcher Malgorzata Roos

    Malgorzata Roos' project: “SEDA: Sensitivity diagnostics for Bayesian hierarchical models” was recently awarded funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation.

  • Di, 17.10.2017, 18:15 h: 8. Arbeitsmedizinisches Kolloquium

    Dienstag, 17. Oktober, 18.15 – 19.45 Uhr Hirschengraben 84, 8001 Zürich

  • Milo Puhan wins prestigious Ig Nobel Prize 

    EBPI Director Prof. Milo Puhan was honored at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, USA on 14 September, 2017 as a Ig Nobel Prize winner.  Prof. Puhan was recognized for his research on effectively treating obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome.

  • Cantonal Medical Service Zurich and EBPI launch new lecture series „Kantonsärztliche Fortbildung Zürich“

    The Cantonal Medical Service Zurich in collaboration with the EBPI is launching the lecture series „Kantonsärztliche Fortbildung Zürich“.

  • Leonhard Held edits the Annals of Applied Statistics

    Starting in September this year, Prof. Leonhard Held will be serving as Area Editor for the Annals of Applied Statistics (AOAS).

  • EBPI Researchers Funded to Evaluate Home-based COPD Exercise Program

    EBPI Senior Researcher Anja Frei, together with her colleagues Dr. Thomas Radtke and Kaba Dalla Lana, were recently awarded funding from the Swiss Lung League.

  • EBPhD Program Congratulates New Graduates Malgorzata Nowicka, Tina Lohse & Laura Girardat-Rotar

    The structured PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (part of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School) is pleased to announce the successful thesis defenses of Malgorzata Nowicka, Tina Lohse & Laura Girardat-Rotar.

  • Sabine Rohrmann and team awarded funding for breast cancer investigation

    Together with her colleagues, EBPI researcher and head of the Cancer Registry of Zurich and Zug PD Dr. Sabine Rohrmann was recently awarded funding by the Swiss Cancer League to analyze nearly 35 years worth of data on outcomes for residents of the Canton of Zurich diagnosed with a non-invasive type of breast cancer.

  • Report: Environments for Physical Activity in Europe: a review of evidence and examples of practice

    EBPI researcher, Sonja Kalmeier, contributed to a recently published report titled “Environments for Physical Activity in Europe: a review of evidence and examples of practice.”

  • 8th of September: New Center of Salutogenesis at EBPI – about the origin of positive health

    On September 8th 2017, the president of the University of Zurich Prof. Michael Hengartner and the director of EBPI Prof. Milo Puhan will launch the “Center of Salutogenesis”.

  • 7. Arbeitsmedizinisches Kolloquium

    Dienstag, 27. Juni, 18.15 – 19.45 Uhr Hirschengraben 84, 8001 Zürich

  • EBPhD student success in SNSF Doc.Mobility mechanism

    The EBPI congratulates doctoral students in the EBPhD program (the structured PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics) who have received funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation to enhance their PhD studies with scientific stays abroad.

  • Neues «WHO Collaborating Centre» für Bewegung und Gesundheit

    Die Universität Zürich erhält ein neues «WHO Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity and Health».

  • EBPI Researcher Sabine Rohrmann edits Schweizer Zeitschrift für Ernährungsmedizin issue on Nutrition and Food Waste

    Does a healthy diet also benefit the environment (and vice versa)? Why are Swiss dairy products ecologically better than those from other countries? How can we as consumers avoid food waste? 

  • Zürcher Forum Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung «Spieglein Spieglein – Gesundheitsfaktor Körperbild»

    Die Vorstellung davon, was ein attraktiver Körper ist, wird zunehmend von unrealistischen Schönheitsidealen geprägt. Gerade junge Menschen sind häufig unzufrieden mit dem eigenen Körper. Negative Körperbilder können zum Gesundheitsrisiko werden; zum Beispiel bei übermässigem Training oder problematischem Essverhalten. Manche entscheiden sich sogar für Schönheitsoperationen und nehmen damit verbundene Risiken in Kauf.

  • Congratulations to Milo Puhan, 2017 Spinoza Chair in Medicine

    EBPI Director Dr. med. et phil. Milo Puhan has been awarded the 2017 Spinoza Chair in Medicine by the University of Amsterdam. Named for the 17th-century Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza, the chair was established in 1995.

  • EBPI Congratulates SNSF-funded researchers in Epidemiology & Public Health

    Georg Bauer and Gregor Jenny of the EBPI were awarded a SNSF grant to run a cluster randomized controlled trial of an e-coach for team leaders and teams in companies targeting their job resources, job demands and work-related health.

  • Researchers Rohrmann & Faeh to investigate dietary habits in Switzerland

    EBPI researchers Sabine Rohrmann and David Faeh, together with colleagues from Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), were awarded funding by the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (Bundesamt für Lebensmittelsicherheit und Veterinärwesen, BLV).

  • Mercury pollution: an environmental or a public health issue? Mini symposium

    EBPI researchers Prof. Holger Dressel, division leader of the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and PhD student David Imo were invited to present and discuss the results of their Human Biomonitoring Study in Valais at the mini symposium “Mercury pollution: an environmental or a public health issue?”, which took place at the IUMSP Lausanne.

  • Publication: Vitamin D deficiency, skin color and pregnancy

    EBPI (Aline Richard, former PhD student at EBPI, and Sabine Rohrmann) and USZ (Katharina Quack-Lötscher) researchers recently published first results on vitamin D status of women early in pregnancy living in the Zurich area. Sixty-three percent of these women were vitamin D deficient (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin concentration < 20 ng/mL).

  • Milo Puhan speaks on Rendez-vous about the launch of NRP 74

    EBPI Director Milo Puhan spoke on Rendez-vous about the launch of the National Research Program "Smarter Health Care" (NRP 74).

  • Publication: Can we assess exercise capacity using the simple 1-minute sit-to-stand test?

    A paper co-authored by EBPI researchers Sarah Crook, Anja Frei, Milo Puhan and Thomas Radtke was recently published in the European Respiratory Journal examining the use of a simple exercise test in the assessment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients.

  • EBPhD Student Johannes Bracher accepted for course at the Institut Pasteur

    Johannes Bracher, PhD student in the Epidemiology and Biostatistics PhD Program, has been selected to participate in the two-week "Modeling of Infectious Diseases" course organized by the Institut Pasteur.

  • AMIS Plus 20th Anniversary

    AMIS Plus will hold a symposium to celebrate its 20th anniversary on March 9, 2017. The AMIS Plus national registry collects and analyzes data on patients with acute myocardial infarction in Switzerland in the pre-admission, hospital and follow-up phases.

  • Zürcher Präventionstag «Und wie geht’s der Familie?»

    Die Familie prägt das Gesundheitsverhalten wesentlich mit. Am Zürcher Präventionstag vom 24. März 2017 werden Strategien der Gesundheitsförderung auf kantonaler, nationaler und internationaler Ebene diskutiert und wirksame Projekte zur Stärkung von Familien vorgestellt.

  • Open Data Day Hackathon – 4th March 2017

    The Zurich R User Group - lead by EBPhD students Muriel Buri and Heidi Seibold
    and their colleague Christoph Molnar - in cooperation with EBPI's Master Program
    in Biostatistics, VBZ and Open Data Zurich is organising a Hackathon in occasion
    of International Open Data Day on March 4.

  • EBPhD Program Congratulates New Graduates Xiaobei Zhou, Lorenzo Tanadini & Mohaned Shilaih

    The structured PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (part of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School) is pleased to announce the successful thesis defenses of Xiaobei Zhou, Lorenzo Tanadini & Mohaned Shilaih.

  • Health Ethics and Policy Lab hosts successful event on Digital Health

    Effy Vayena, SNSF Professor and head of the Health Ethics and Policy Lab at the EBPI, hosted the "Digital Health: Exploring Ethics and Policy" conference at UZH on December 1st, 2016.

  • EBPhD Celebrates Funding Successes

    The structured PhD Program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (EBPhD) is pleased to share the following good news:

  • EBPI researchers awarded NRP 74 and NRP 75 funding

  • 2nd Symposium of the Competence Center for Mental Health (CCMH)

    The Competence Center for Mental Health (CCMH) will host its second scientific symposium on January 26, 2017 titled "Mental health: Innovative trends in treatment and intervention".

  • Brian Martin appointed as the new Chief Medical Officer in Canton Zurich

    The Government Council of Canton Zurich appointed Dr. med. Brian Martin as the new Chief Medical Officer (Kantonsarzt)  starting June 1, 2017.

  • Health Ethics and Policy Lab hosts Digital Health symposium on December 1st

    EBPI's Health Ethics and Policy Lab, led by Prof. Effy Vayena, is holding a symposium at the University of Zurich on December 1 titled "Digital Health: Exploring Ethics and Policy." The symposium is supported by the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS, and ETH Zurich and will explore some of the most controversial issues in digital health.

  • Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Registry welcomes its 1000th participant

    Only 4 months after going public, the Swiss MS Registry (SMSR) has already gained its 1000th participant!

  • «Macht Einsamkeit krank?» Zürcher Forum Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung

    «Macht Einsamkeit krank?», Zürcher Forum Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung, Montag, 21. November 17:15-19:15

    Wer regelmässigen Kontakt pflegt zu Freunden und Familie, lebt gesünder. Dies zeigt der neue Gesundheitsbericht zum Thema «Soziale Beziehungen und Gesundheit im Kanton Zürich».

  • Epi Biostats PhD Program Congratulates New Graduate Aline Richard

    The PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (part of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School) is pleased to announce the graduation of Aline Richard.

  • Informationsanlass: Masterprogramm in Biostatistik

    Das Masterprogramm in Biostatistik führt einen Informationsanlass für
    interessierte Studierende durch und kombiniert diesen mit einem
    Herbstfest für die aktuellen Studierenden.

  • 6. Arbeitsmedizinisches Kolloquium

    Dienstag, 8. November 2016, 18.15 – 19.45 Uhr HRS F05, Hirschengraben 84, 8001 Zürich

    Institut für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention UZH
    Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin USZ

  • 1'000'000 Schritte

    Das Zäme go Laufe Team gratuliert herzlich unserer ersten Studienteilnehmerin die im Rahmen der Studie bereits 1'000'000 Schritte zurückgelegt hat.

  • Leonhard Held gives webinar to International Society for Disease Surveillance (ISDS)

    Prof. Leonhard Held gave a webinar on September 19, 2016 to the International Society for Disease Surveillance (ISDS) together with Prof. Michael Höhle from Stockholm University.

  • EBPI Researchers contribute to ERS International Conference

    EBPI Researchers contributed to the European Respiratory Society (ERS) Conference in London.

  • EBPhD Program Hosts 3rd Annual Welcome Day

    The EBPI hosted the 3rd annual Epidemiology & Biostatistics PhD (EBPhD) Program Welcome Day on September 14, 2016.

  • Congratulations to PD Malgorzata Roos and Titular Professor Matthias Schwenkglenks

  • SURFit - A physical activity intervention for childhood cancer survivors

    EBPI researchers are currently recruiting for SURFit: a physical activity study in collaboration with the Children’s University Hospital Basel focusing on childhood cancer survivors. The aim of this project is to investigate whether physical activity can help to improve heart health, bone health and psychological health in people who survived childhood cancer.

  • Publication: Following cancer prevention recommendations - a way to reduce deaths?

    EBPI researchers Tina Lohse, David Fäh, Matthias Bopp, and Sabine Rohrmann recently published their finding that following official cancer prevention recommendations (World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research) is associated with reduced all-cause and cancer deaths. About 8% of premature cancer deaths are estimated to be preventable, if people follow these recommendations.

  • Congratulations to Assistant Professor Tsung Yu!

    Dr. Tsung Yu begins a new position as Assistant Professor of Public Health at the China Medical University in Taichung, Taiwan on 1 September 2016.

  • EBPI congratulates PD Viktor von Wyl and Titular Professor Susi Kriemler

    The EBPI congratulates Drs. Viktor von Wyl and Susi Kriemler on their recent promotions in the UZH Medical Faculty.

  • EBPI Researchers contribute to "Transactions" -  a parallel event to Manifesta 11

    EBPI researchers Georg Bauer, Rebecca Brauchli and Gregory Jenny created one of 16 research projects for the exhibition "Transactions."

  • Study of mercury in Valais shows no evidence of health risks from mercury contaminated soil

    Researchers from EBPI together with international collaborators completed an epidemiological study about possible health risks of partly elevated mercury levels in soil in Visp and Raron, Valais.

  • EBPI welcomes Harvard Professor Sheila Jasanoff and international panelists

    On Wednesday July 27, 2016 the EBPI’s Health, Ethics and Policy Lab, led by Prof. Effy Vayena, will debut its first Summer Seminar with a talk by Sheila Jasanoff, Ph.D., J.D., and Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies (STS) at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, USA.

  • Congratulations to Sebastian Meyer for receiving the outstanding dissertation award

    The EBPI congratulates Sebastian Meyer for receiving the Faculty of Science award for outstanding dissertations.

  • Successful Launch of the Swiss MS Registry

    Saturday, June 25, 2016 marked the first Swiss MS Day. Over 800 attendees participated in the day-long event at Puls 5 in Zurich, which included the official launch of the Swiss MS Registry.

  • 2 EBPI researchers awarded NRP 69 funding

  • Announcing the new Doctoral Program in Clinical Science

    Starting in the fall semester 2016, The University of Zurich is offering a doctoral program in Clinical Science. The program was founded in close collaboration with the EBPI.

  • Congratulations to Prof. Effy Vayena and Prof. Felix Gutzwiller

    Prof. Effy Vayena was recently recognized for excellent scientific achievements in medicine with an appointment to the senate of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, better known as SAMW  (Schweizerische Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften). Prof. Felix Gutzwiller, former …

  • 25. Juni: 1. Schweizer MS Tag und Start des Schweizer MS Registers

    1. Schweizer MS Tag und Start des Schweizer MS Registers: 25. Juni 2016 09:30 bis 17:00 Uhr; Puls 5, 8005 Zürich
    Die Diagnose Multiple Sklerose kann jeden treffen – und sie verläuft für jeden Betroffenen anders. Am ersten von der Schweizerischen Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft durchgeführten Schweizer MS Tag steht die ehemalige Giessereihalle Puls 5 in Zürich-West ganz im Zeichen der Multiplen Sklerose mit wichtigen Angeboten und Informationen.

  • 31. Mai 2016: 4. Arbeitsmedizinisches Kolloquium

    Am 31. Mai 2016 findet das 4. Arbeitsmedizinische Kolloquium des Instituts für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention der Universität Zürich und der Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin des UniversitätsSpitals Zürich statt

  • Publication: Can air pollution negate the health benefits of cycling and walking?

    EBPI Researchers, Sonja Kahlmeier and Thomas Götschi, contributed to a recent publication in the Journal of Prevention Medicine titled "Can air pollution negate the health benefits of cycling and walking?

  • Gesundheitsförderung für die Kleinsten: 14. Juni 2016

    Gesundheitsförderung für die Kleinsten, 22. Zürcher Forum Prävention & Gesundheitsförderung, Dienstag 14. Juni 2016, 17.15–19.15 Uhr, Pfarreizentrum Liebfrauen,  Zürich

    Elternbindung und die konkreten Lebensumstände beeinflussen die künftige Gesundheit von Kleinkindern.

  • Andrea Farnham selected to attend LERU summer school

    The EBPI congratulates PhD student Andrea Farnham on her selection as one of
    2 doctoral student representatives from UZH to attend a summer school organized
    by the League of European Research Universities (LERU), an organization that promotes basic research at European universities.

  • Publication: Adult body-mass index trends in 200 countries

    As member of the NCD Risk Factor Collaboration, EBPI researcher David Fäh participated in a study leading to a paper recently published in The Lancet.

  • The EBPI Congratulates SNF-funded Researchers

    Two EBPI researchers were recently awarded project funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation.

  • Rolf Heusser wins Teacher of the Year, 4th consecutive year

    The EBPI warmly congratulates Dr. Rolf Heusser upon his recognition as a teacher
    of the year in the MPH program (offered jointly by UZH and the universities of Basel and Bern) for the 4th straight year. Dr. Heusser directs the National Institute for Cancer Epidemiology and Registration (NICER).

  • Health & Physical Activity: HEPA Europe 2016 Meeting now accepting submissions

    HEPA Europe (the European network for the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity), a network of researchers working to improve health through physical activity for people living in the WHO European region, will hold its 12th annual meeting in Belfast from 28 - 30 September, 2016.

  • Publication: Infectious disease profile of Syrian refugees arriving in Europe

    In a new, expedited Eurosurveillance publication, Prof. Patricia Schlagenhauf and GeoSentinel colleagues published a paper describing the infectious disease profile
    of Syrian refugees arriving in Europe.

  • Does an «aspirin a day» keep the heart disease and cancer away?

    Prof. Milo Puhan, director of the Epidemiology, Biostatistics & Prevention Institute,
    was featured on Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF) talking about the role of aspirin in cardiovascular disease and cancer prevention.

  • Prof. Effy Vayena discusses gene modification in the NZZ

    SNF Professor Effy Vayena was featured in the NZZ last month regarding the
    genome modification tool known as CRISPR.

  • Torsten Hothorn named Highly Cited Researcher for 2015

    For the second consecutive year, Prof. Dr. Torsten Hothorn was named among Thomson Reuters’ list of Highly Cited Researchers for 2015.

  • UZH experts kickoff Mental Health Competence Center with opening symposium

    On February 11th, 2016 the newly established Competence Center in Mental
    Health at the University of Zurich hosted an opening symposium titled “Stress
    over the Lifespan”.

  • Benefits of physical activity for the climate and personal health highlighted in MOOC

    The EBPI’s Sonja Kahlmeier is a featured lecturer the free online course Climate Change & Health – A course for understanding the health stakes of climate change.

  • 27. Zürcher Präventionstag «Digitale Prävention – Neue Wege zur Gesundheit»

    Die digitale Revolution verändert die Kommunikation, das alltägliche Verhalten und auch die Möglichkeiten, Daten zu erfassen und zu verarbeiten. Das wirkt sich auch
    auf die Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung aus.

  • EBPI Researcher elected as a member of the National Commission for Tobacco Prevention

    EBPI researcher David Fäh was elected as a member of the national commission
    for tobacco prevention (Eidgenössische Kommission für Tabakprävention, EKTP).
    The mandate lasts 4 years until 2020.

  • Free Public Access to Cochrane Library in Switzerland

    Swiss residents can now find evidence-based answers to their medical questions
    in the online Cochrane Library.

  • Publication: Revisiting privacy assumptions in genomic research

    A paper by Professor Effy Vayena and her colleague Urs Gasser of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School was published on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 in PLoS Medicine.

  • Eröffnungssymposium des Kompetenzzentrum Psychische Gesundheit

    Am Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2016 findet das Eröffnungssymposium des Kompetenzzentrums Psychische Gesundheit mit dem Thema "Stress über die Lebensspanne” statt.

  • EBPI’s Health Ethics & Policy lab co-organizes conference at Harvard University

    EBPI’s Health, Ethics, and Policy Lab, led by Professor Effy Vayena, is a co-organizer of the upcoming conference Big Data, Health Law, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School.

  • Workshops für eine bessere Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Privatleben am UniversitätsSpital

    Beruf und Privatleben unter einen Hut zu bringen, ist für die Pflegefachpersonen
    des UniversitätsSpitals Zürich nicht immer ganz einfach.

  • EBPI Recognizes its Scholars Abroad

    The EBPI congratulates PhD student Heidi Seibold, who was recently successful
    with her SNF Mobility within Projects proposal.

  • The EBPI Congratulates SNF-funded Researchers

    Two EBPI researchers were recently awarded project funding from the Swiss
    National Science Foundation.

  • Epi Biostats PhD Program Congratulates New Graduate Wei Wei

    Part of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School, the PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics is pleased to announce the graduation of Wei Wei.

  • 21. Zürcher Forum Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung:  «Arbeit – Psyche – Gesundheit»

    Am Forum zeigen Expertinnen und Experten auf, welche Faktoren die psychische Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz beeinflussen und wie verhindert werden kann, dass
    Arbeit zur Last wird.

  • Processed meat is classified as a carcinogen by the cancer agency of the World Health Organization

    Professor Sabine Rohrmann was a member of the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) committee that evaluated
    the associations between processed meat consumption and cancer, as well as red meat consumption and cancer.

  • Prof. Alfredo Morabia from the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health gives invited address at EBPI

    As part of the semester Kick Off for the Epidemiology and Biostatistics PhD
    program, the EBPI welcomed Alfredo Morabia, PhD, MPH, Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, Professor of Epidemiology, Queens College of City University of New York and member of the EBPI Scientific Advisory Board to give an invited address entitled: Precision Medicine vs. Personalized Medicine.

  • Prof. Puhan elected to lead NRP74 "Smarter Health Care" of the Swiss National Science Foundation

    Milo Puhan, director of the Epidemiology, Biostatistics & Prevention Institute
    ( of the University of Zurich, was elected by the Research Council
    as president of the Steering Committee of the National Research Program 74 "Smarter Health Care" (

  • 25 Jahre Arbeits- und Umweltmedizin: Willkommen zum 4. Arbeitsmedizinischen Kolloquium

    Dienstag, 3. November 2015, 18.45 - 19.45 Uhr; HRS, F05 "Vorlesung", Hirschengraben 84, 8001 Zürich

    Willkommen zum Jubiläum 25 Jahre Arbeits- und Umweltmedizin

  • Prof. Held to give Invited Lecture at Cambridge University

    The EBPI’s Professor Leonhard Held was selected to give the 13th annual Armitage Lecture at the Biostatistical Unit (BSU) of Cambridge University. 

  • Epi Biostats PhD Program Celebrates First Graduate Rafael Sauter

    Part of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School, the PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics is pleased to announce its first graduate.

  • The EBPI Welcomes SNF Professor Effy Vayena

    In August 2015, Effy Vayena joined the EBPI and UZH as Professor of Health Policy. She will build the Health Ethics and Policy Lab.

  • EBPI koordiniert das neue Schwerpunktprogramm Suizidprävention Kanton Zürich

    Am diesjährigen Welttag der Suizidprävention, am 10. September 2015, hat der Zürcher Regierungs­rat das neue Schwerpunktprogramm Suizidprävention Kanton Zürich vorgestellt. Die Abteilung Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung des EBPI hat den Auftrag, das Schwerpunktprogramm zu koordinieren und hat die Website aufgeschaltet.

  • EBPI Researcher Featured Interview: WHO European Physical Activity Strategy

    The EBPI’s Sonja Kahlmeier was featured by the UZH Media Desk discussing the WHO European Physical Activity Strategy, which was adopted by the European Member States at the Regional Committee meeting on 16 September in Vilnius.

  • EBPI Researchers to Develop Online Tool to Optimize Working Conditions

    A team lead by the EBPI’s Georg Bauer has been awarded federal funding to develop the “Corporate Health Teamcoach”.

  • Publication: Preventive Effect of Alcohol Laws on Young Men

    The UZH Media Desk, as well as several newspapers, recently featured a publication co-authored by several members of the EBPI (Simon Foster, Leonhard Held, Natalia Estévez, Meichun Mohler-Kuo) along with Gerhard Gmel of the University Hospital Lausanne.

  • Publication: Improving Treatment for Rectal Cancer

    Professor Torsten Hothorn of the EBPI served as responsible biostatistician and committee member on a long-running randomized trial that reported its results recently in The Lancet Oncology.

  • 3 EBPI Projects Awarded Funding

    We are pleased to announce the success of three recent proposals submitted by EBPI researchers.

  • Publication: “Snail Fever” (Schistosomiasis) cases tracked in Corsica

    Recent work by Prof. Dr. Patricia Schlagenhauf and her colleagues at GeoSentinel, the Global Surveillance Network of the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM), will appear in the October issue of Emerging Infectious Diseases.

  • EBPI researchers to give paper at Royal Statistical Society

    The paper “Bayesian analysis of measurement error models using integrated nested Laplace approximations” (PDF, 981 KB) by S. Muff, A. Riebler, L. Held, H. Rue and P. Saner, published in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C (2015, 64 (2), p.231-252), has been selected for presentation at the annual meeting of the Royal Statistical Society in Exeter, September 7–10, 2015.

  • 20. Zürcher Forum Prävention & Gesundheitsförderung

    Am Montag, 6. Juli 2015 findet das 20. Zürcher Forum Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung statt zum Thema «Bewegung im Alltag erleichtern – in Wohnumfeld, Quartier und Gemeinde».

  • Current classifications for COPD disease severity are limited, international cohort collaboration finds

    Professor Milo Puhan is part of the international 3CIA initiative, which studies how to classify severity of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease).

  • Sibylle Brunner neu am EBPI

    Im Mai hat Sibylle Brunner die Stelle als Leiterin der Abteilung Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung des EBPI und als Beauftragte für des Kantons Zürich für Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung angetreten.

  • Von Übergewicht bis zur Impfpolitik: Gemeinsam Zukunftsfragen zur Gesundheit beantworten

    Professor Milo Puhan und PD Dr. Margot Mütsch vom Institut für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention der Universität Zürich (EBPI) haben sich mit Institutionen aus Lausanne, Deutschland und Österreich zusammengeschlossen, um einen europäischen Satelliten der Public Health Gruppedes Forschungsnetzwerks Cochrane zu gründen.

  • EBPI Researchers Shed Light on Reducing Vehicle Collisions with Wildlife

    In a paperto appear in the August 2015 edition of Accident Analysis & Prevention,a team of researchers, which includes EBPI professors Torsten Hothorn and Leonard Held, analyzed over 1 million traffic accidents occurring in Bavaria between 2002 and 2011.

  • Manuela Ott awarded Junior Travel Grant

    We congratulate PhD student Manuela Ott for the award of a Junior Travel Grant, which will support her attendance at the 11th International Workshop on Objective Bayes Methodology to be held in Valencia, Spain.

  • 12. Mai: 3. Arbeitsmedizinisches Kolloquium für Arbeitsmediziner und arbeitsmedizinisch interessierte Ärzte

    Am 12. Mai 2015 findet das 3. Arbeitsmedizinische Kolloquium des Instituts für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention der Universität Zürich und der Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin des UniversitätsSpitals Zürich statt.

  • Congratulations to Salome Adam

    We congratulate Salome Adam as the second recipient of the Béatrice Ederer-Weber PhD-Fellowship.

  • Tracking Heart Health – AMIS Plus Enrolls 50,000th Patient

    Established in 1997, and based at the EBPI since 2000, AMIS Plus (Acute Myocardial Infarction in Switzerland) is a project that collects and analyzes information on all stages of myocardial infarction (commonly known as heart attack) in Switzerland.

  • Professor Leonhard Held receives SNF support for statistical methods

    Statistical regression models are central to many fields of quantitative research. A regression analysis typically starts with model building, an activity with which medical researchers will have some familiarity.

  • Lorenzo Tanadini awarded SNSF Doc.Mobility fellowship

    We congratulate Lorenzo Tanadini for his successful application for a SNSF Doc.Mobility fellowship which will enable him to conduct the third year of his PhD studies at the Department of Statistics of the prestigious London School of Economics in London, UK.

  • Wir gratulieren Bestsellerautor David Fäh

    PD Dr. David Fäh, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter des Instituts, hat ein Buch zu Gewichtskontrolle geschrieben. Im Gegensatz zu Diät-Ratgebern zeigt es den Lesern, wo, wie und wann sie in ihrem Leben ansetzen können, um die Kalorienbilanz zu optimieren.

  • Volunteer work brings life balance

    Does more work mean more stress? Not necessarily. On the contrary. A team of researchers, led by EBPI’s Ramualdo Ramos found that people in the workforce who are also engaged in voluntary work report better work-life balance than non-volunteers.

  • COMBACTE-MAGNET launches

    COMBACTE-MAGNET (Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe – Molecules against Gram-Negative Infections), a project of the Institutes for Innovative Medicines (IMI) antimicrobial resistance research program New Drugs 4 Bad Bugs (ND4BB) launched this month.

  • Two-day Consultation Meeting on Physical Activity for Health held at UZH

    Representatives from 47 member states gathered at the University of Zürich in January for a two-day consultation meeting on physical activity for health.

  • Reisemedizin-Ratgeber

    Das Zentrum für Reisemedizin präsentiert auf seiner und der EBPI Webseite einen Reisemedizin-Ratgeber mit relevanten, leicht verständlichen Informationen zu zahlreichen Reisekrankheiten und anderen Risiken, denen Reisende unterwegs begegnen.

  • Publication: Traveler’s Diarrhea – A Clinical Review

    In a January 2015 edition of JAMA, Prof. Robert Steffen reviewed the current state of knowledge on the etiology, risk factors, prevention, and management of traveler’s diarrhea.

  • 2. Arbeitsmedizinisches Kolloquium UZH/USZ am 24.2.2015

    Am 24. Februar 2015 findet das 2. Arbeitsmedizinische Kolloquium des Instituts für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention der Universität Zürich und der Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin des UniversitätsSpitals Zürich statt.

  • Publication: Travel associated infectious disease presenting in Europe

    Travelers bring home many souvenirs from their foreign sojourns. In a Lancet Infectious Diseases publication, Patricia Schlagenhauf and colleagues from EuroTravNetanalysed travel-associated infections in 32,136 travelers who presented ill post-travel.

  • Zürcher R Kurse 2015

    The new continuing education program ‘Zurich R Courses’, co-organised by Torsten Hothorn, starts in February with a series of one and two-day courses on statistical data analysis using the open-source R system for statistical computing, both at introductory and advanced levels.

  • PASTA – eine europaweite Studie zu Mobilität und Bewegung im Alltag: 2000 Studienteilnehmende aus dem Raum Zürich gesucht

    Das Institut für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention der Universität Zürich lanciert eine gross angelegte Studie zu Mobilität und Bewegung im Alltag. Die online Befragung ist Teil des Forschungsprojekts PASTA – das steht für Bewegung und nachhaltige Mobilität, oder auf Englisch – Physical Activity through Stustainable Transport Approaches.Im Raum Zürich werden mindestens 2000 Studienteilnehmer gesucht, die die online Befragung ausfüllen.

  • Schweizer Zeitschrift für Ernährungsmedizin: Vegetarismus versus Fleischkonsum

    Leben Vegetarier länger als Personen, die Fleisch verzehren? Ist Fleischkonsum notwendig, um ausreichend mit Eiweiss, Eisen und B-Vitaminen versorgt zu sein? Was hat Fleischverzehr mit dem Klimawandel zu tun?

  • SAMK Symposium – Humanitarian and Disaster Relief

    Invitation for the SAMK Symposium “Humanitarian and Disaster Relief” on Wednesday, 3.12.2014, 16.00–18.00, organized by the Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute of the University of Zurich, the Kompetenzzentrum für Militär- und Katastrophenmedizin SAMKand the Division of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology of the UniversityHospital Zürich.

  • Publication: power-law models for infectious disease spread

    Short-time human travel is dominated by local movements while longer journeys occur less frequently. Since human travel is an important driver of epidemic spread, such a power law of the traveled distance should enter models for the spread of human infectious diseases.

  • Results of the ALS Prediction Price Challenge published

    A paper describing the results of the ALS Prediction Price challenge was published Nov 2nd by Nature Biotechnology.

  • Interview with Christoph Hatz about Ebola in the Tages-Anzeiger

    Christoph Hatz, Department Head of the Public Health Division at EBPI and a member of the taskforce preparing for a possible Ebola outbreak in Switzerland, was interviewed about Ebola in the Tages-Anzeiger.

  • Guidance for evaluating the quality of network meta-analyses published in the BMJ

    The British Medical Journal has published a paperled by Milo Puhan that presents guidance for how to evaluate the quality of evidence of network meta-analyses.

  • Congratulations to Andrea Farnham

    We congratulate Andrea Farnham as the first recipient of the Béatrice Ederer-Weber PhD-Fellowship.

  • 1. Arbeitsmedizinisches Kolloquium UZH/USZ am 4.11.2014

    Am 4. November 2014 findet das 1. Arbeitsmedizinische Kolloquium des Instituts für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention der Universität Zürich und der Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin des UniversitätsSpitals Zürich statt.

  • Torsten Hothorn listed as “highly cited researcher”

    Torsten Hothorn is listed as “highly cited researcher” in the 2014 version of

  • Interview mit Milo Puhan zu COPD im Tages-Anzeiger

    Felix Straumann, Redaktor Wissen des Tages-Anzeigers, befragt Milo Puhan zum Thema COPD.

  • Leonhard Held elected as president of the ROeS of the International Biometric Society

    Prof. Leonhard Held has been elected as president of the Austro-Swiss Region (ROeS) of the International Biometric Society (IBS) for the period 2014–2015. The Austro-Swiss Region was founded in 1961 and is the largest organisation of academic and professional biostatisticians in Austria and Switzerland.

  • Forschungspreis für Milo Puhan

    Volkskrankheit Raucherlunge: Der UZH-Mediziner Milo Puhan erhält den diesjährigen Forschungspreis der «European Respiratory Society». Er wird für seine Forschung zur chronisch obstruktiven Lungenerkrankung (COPD) ausgezeichnet.

  • Large-scale, Multinational CF Study Enrolls First Patient

    A collaboration among researchers in nine countries across Europe, North America, and Australia, ACTIVATE-CF investigates whether regular exercise improves outcomes such as pulmonary function or exercise capacity for individuals with Cystic Fibrosis (CF).

  • Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Meichun Mohler-Kuo

    We congratulate Meichun Mohler-Kuo, team leader in our area Public Mental Health on her appointment as Titularprofessor.

  • 400th Pre-schooler Enrolled in National Prevention Study

    The Swiss Preschoolers’ Health Study, SPLASHY, celebrates the enrollment of its 400th participant.

  • Holger Dressel joins EBPI

    In January 2014, Holger Dressel joined the EBPI as the Division leader for the Occupational and Environmental Medicine, which is jointly based in the EBPI and the University Hospital Zurich outpatient center for internal medicine.

  • Former ISPM is now the EBPI

    The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine is now officially the Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Prevention Institute (EBPI)at the University of Zurich.

  • EB PhD Program receives grant for 5 PhD Students

    The Zurich-based Béatrice Ederer-Weber Foundation has generously awarded the Institute funding to support PhD-Scholarships over the next 5 years.

  • Professor Held joins European Commission project to fight superbugs

    In June, Professor Leonard Held joined an internal, multidisciplinary consortium of researchers working to treat antimicrobial resistant infections.

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