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Institut für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention

Successful completion of the SPAcE project

After three years work, the project SPAcE (Supporting Policy and Action for
Active Environments) was closed at the end of 2017. Sonja Kahlmeier from EBPI
was a partner of this project consortium, whose overall objective was the develop- ment of local action plans to promote sustainable active urban environments in 5
cities and towns across the EU.
Several very useful and freely accessible outputs about developing urban
active environments have been produced in the course of SPAcE, including:

>  Environments for physical activity in Europe;
    a review of evidence and examples of practice,
>  How to create an Urban Active Environment (UActivE)
    action plan: lessons learnt and case studies from five
    European cities from the SPAcE EU project and
>  Measuring the value of an urban active environment,
    using the WHO Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT).

All three documents in the SPAcE project series are
available to download, and can be accessed here.

Congratulations to the team for these project outcomes!
