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Institut für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention

10th International Summer School on “Spatial epidemiology, social media, and urban health” with EBPI contribution

The 10th International Summer School on “Spatial epidemiology, social media,
and urban health” taking place in Berlin between September 17-21, 2018 is now launched with significant contribution of the EBPI researcher Oliver Grübner.

The objectives of the summer school are:

• to review concepts of spatial epidemiology, urban health, and social media analytics
• to analyze health outcomes of urban populations, by:    
  - Geo-processing (e.g., integrating geo-spatial social media information)    
  - Spatial clustering and mapping (e.g., hotspot analysis)    
  - Spatial statistics (e.g., spatial regression)
• to work more effectively in collaboration with other
  disciplines for investigating multidisciplinary health problems.

Further information can be found here.
