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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

Department of Public and Global Health

Head: Prof. Dr. Jan Fehr

Division of Infectious Diseases
Division of Public & Organizational Health
Division of Prevention and Health Promotion Canton of Zurich

The Department of Public and Global Health consists of the Division of Infectious Diseases, the Division of Public & Organizational Health, and the Division of Health Promotion Canton of Zurich.

The department brings together research, teaching & training, and services, translating innovative and applied research into education and action in many fields of the health sector. The embedding of the Cantonal Health Promotion in the Department provides a unique chance to transfer knowledge directly from academic research at the university to governmental structures, which is the essence of Public Health.

The Division of Infectious Diseases hosts a research cum service unit, focusing on infectious diseases at local, national, and international levels with an emphasis on travel medicine. It is one of the leading institutions in travel medicine worldwide. Health priorities of regional and national importance are also addressed, and imported pathogens surveillance monitoring is supported by its staff. The division also runs Switzerland’s largest travel clinic, providing pre-travel advice to more than 17,000 clients annually.

The Division of Public & Organizational Health focuses on positive health development in a changing context of work, as well as on intervention and evaluation research for improving working conditions and health in organizations. Building on a strong theory base, the division simultaneously studies pathogenic and salutogenic (health promoting) aspects of working life, as well as the effectiveness of interventions. The division offers advanced training in occupational and organizational health.

The Division of Prevention and Health Promotion, Canton of Zurich provides services and health promotion for the population of the Canton of Zurich, as well as health monitoring on behalf of the Department of Health. Among many other activities, also at the national level, it acts as a bridge between academia and government institutions and contributes to improve the health of the population of the Canton of Zurich.

All divisions contribute to teaching & training at all levels of professional cadres and maintain a strong link with the general public.
