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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

About Us

Learn about our Detective-Work!

Medical data leave trails. It is along these trails that we at the EBPI track down the causes of illnesses and follow their progression. Medical data and their trails lead us to innovative approaches for the prevention and treatment of illnesses.  And with the aim of improving or maintaining the health of the public, this investigative work motivates us daily.

We train the next generation of top research scientists and healthcare professionals.  We conduct translational research, where we organize individual research projects, not as separate cases, but as a linked and coordinated network, allowing us to apply our findings to medical and public health practice.  We also play a central role in making Zurich an international center for research, where our expertise in research methods adds to the high quality of biomedical research. Through our Travel Clinic and with our Division of Prevention and Health Promotion as well as Occupational and Environmental Medicine, we have the unique opportunity to promote health in our own everyday medical practices too—for the people in the canton of Zurich and beyond.

We are proud of what we do.  And we also want to share with you our enthusiasm for our work. 

Welcome to the EBPI!

Milo Puhan
Director of the Institute

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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute (EBPI)

The EBPI is part of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Science of the University of Zurich. Furthermore, there is a perfomance mandate of the Government Council of the Canton of Zurich. Approximately 200 employees currently work at the institute. Head of the institute is full professor Prof. Dr. Milo Puhan.