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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute


The EBPI has three departments, led by Prof. Milo Puhan (Epidemiology), Prof. Leonhard Held (Biostatistics) and Prof. Jan Fehr (Public and Global Health). Each department has two or three divisions
(see organigram (PDF, 33 KB)). The director and department chairs form the Executive Board of EBPI, which makes decisions with regarding daily operations of the institute. Strategic decisions are prepared by the Executive Board of EBPI and brought forward to the Institute Assembly for discussion and approval. The Scientific Advisory Board currently has three members: Prof. Alfredo Morabia, Prof. Peter Diggle, and Prof. Marcel Tanner, who advise the EBPI with regard to the strategic focus of the institute.

Department of Epidemiology

Department of Biostatistics

Department of Public and Global Health

EBPI Centers

Central Services


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Download the current organigram of the institute here: