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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

Chronic Conditions & Health


Our goal is to understand causes and consequences of chronic conditions (discovery science), to test if interventions improve health among people with chronic conditions (evaluation science), and to assess ways to implement these findings into real-world programs and policy (implementation science).


Project title/PI

Discovery (D) Evaluation (E) Implementation (I)

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Accompanying scientific study to the implementation of the “Living well with COPD” program (SELFIS-2)

Anja Frei

E, I More…

AMIS Plus:  National Registry of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Switzerland

Dragana Radovanovic

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ANIMONE: An in vivo data warehouse for neuroscience – biocuration of preclinical research to inform optimization and exploitation of preclinical studies

Benjamin Victor Ineichen

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Cancer incidence in the Cantons of Zurich & Zug (Cancer Registries)

Sabine Rohrmann

E, I More…

Can living well save my life? Cancer-protective lifestyle prevalence and its association with mortality across Swiss language regions

Sabine Rohrmann

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Causal evidence from observational data regarding the effect of initial opioid dose concentration on adverse outcomes - a study based on the target trial emulation framework


Ulrike Held

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Characterization of prevalence, type, treatment, burden of disease and predictors of respiratory symptoms in very prematurely born children in the Zurich area (FLiP)

Susi Kriemler

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Comparison between two commercially available devices to measure nitric oxide lung diffusing capacity in systemic sclerosis: a randomized crossover trial


Holger Dressel

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Descriptive epidemiology and costs of chiropractic care in Switzerland: a nationwide health insurance database analysis: This project helps advance fundamental epidemiologic and health economic knowledge of chiropractic care in Switzerland.

Cesar Hincapié

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Development and evaluation of a digital education and self-management program for patients with fibrotic interstitial lung disease (FILD-MAP)

Anja Frei

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Development and evaluation of a mobile application focusing on physical activity, nutrition, and breathing/relaxation in individuals with lung cancer (QUALUCA)

Anja Frei

D, E, I More…

Digital Health Innovation: a Governance Roadmap for Switzerland (D-GOVmap)

Milo Puhan

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Does cardiopulmonary exercise testing provide short-term prognostic information in advanced cystic fibrosis lung disease?

Thomas Radtke /Helge Hebestreit

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Does planetary health mean population health? Adherence to a planetary health diet and cancer risk and survival in a prospective cohort study


Sabine Rohrmann

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Evaluating Prostate Cancer Early Detection Strategies for Switzerland: This project evaluates whether and how a systematic population-based early detection program for prostate cancer could be implemented in Switzerland.


Dominik Menges

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Expert prior elicitation and Bayesian analysis of the association between chiropractic care and acute lumbar disc herniation (LDH) with early surgical intervention: Our study objective is to undertake a Bayesian analysis of the association between chiropractic care and acute lumbar disc herniation with early surgical intervention.

Cesar Hincapié

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From single disease reductionist research to informed Machine Learning:
a new research paradigm for multimorbidity

Milo Puhan

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Fusion versus decompression surgery alone for lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis: a comparative-effectiveness analysis and pragmatic health services assessment: Our study provides information about the expected benefit-harm assessment of these surgical treatments in patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis in Switzerland.

Cesar Hincapié

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GDM – Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in HIV-infected Women

Sabine Haller

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Health economic aspects of atrial fibrillation: analyses based on the Swiss-AF cohort study

Miquel Serra-Burriel

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Holistic and patient-centered triage: Redesigning COPD-management in primary care

Milo Puhan

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HOPE - The aim of our study is to investigate if donor liver treatment with HOPE reduces the risk of HCC recurrence compared to the standard procedure (cold ice preservation) in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), which is an increasing indication for liver transplantation.

Stefanie von Felten, Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Dutkowski

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How are feedback and communication strategies best used to communicate results of benchmarking in surgical care? This scoping review maps and synthesises existing evidence on feedback and communication strategies related to benchmarking in surgical practice.

Cesar Hincapié

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Knowledge syntheses related to musculoskeletal (MSK) health and care epidemiology: We conduct systematic evidence syntheses to inform MSK health and care epidemiology.

Cesar Hincapié

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Long Covid in Military Organisations (LoCoMo)

Pat Schlagenhauf

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LOOBesity: Closing the loop towards precision medicine in obesity

Milo Puhan

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Mobilise-D: Connecting digital mobility assessment to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsement

Milo Puhan

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Predicting a second breast cancer using patient level data


Sabine Rohrmann

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Predictors of long-term work participation among patients with cystic fibrosis undergoing lung transplantation

Thomas Radtke

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PrEP Study: A multicenter, observational cohort to study the characteristics of individuals asking for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and the incidence of HIV and STIs: «The Swiss PrEPared Study»

Jan Fehr / Benjamin Hampel

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Risk for neurodegenerative disorders and effectiveness of nonsurgical interventions after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI): We systematically review and synthesise evidence on the associations between mTBI and neurodegenerative disorders (dementia, Parkinson disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and effectiveness of nonsurgical interventions after mTBI.

Cesar Hincapié

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SALuBRITY assesses spinal manual therapy versus nerve root injection for patients with lumbar radicular pain to guide treatment decisions and improve patient care.

Cesar Hincapié

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Swiss Atrial Fibrillation Cohort


Yuky Tomonaga

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Swiss ChiCo develops, gathers, and implements real-world clinical practice information to create the basis for answering a range of MSK healthcare research questions important to patients, clinicians, and policymakers.

Cesar Hincapié

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Swiss MS Registry

Viktor von Wyl

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Systematic evidence syntheses: We conduct systematic evidence syntheses and meta-analyses to inform the World Health Organization guidelines on chronic primary low back pain in adults.

Cesar Hincapié / Carol Cancelliere

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The fraction of cancer burden attributable to modifiable lifestyle risk factors in Switzerland


Sabine Rohrmann

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