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Ulrike Held is head of the Division Clinical Research Methods and the Research Methods Consulting team at the Department of Biostatistics. She joined the EBPI in October 2017.
Ulrike Held obtained her master’s degree in Statistics (1998) and her PhD in Applied Statistics (2002) at the Technical University of Dortmund. After that, she had a Post Doc position at the Klinikum r.d. Isar, Technical University of Munich. She worked at the Sylvia Lawry Centre for Multiple Sclerosis Research until 2006. From 2007 to September 2017 Ulrike Held was Senior Research Fellow at the Horten Centre for Patient Oriented Research and Knowledge Transfer at the University Hospital Zurich. Ulrike Held obtained her Venia legendi from the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich (PD) in 2014, and Ulrike Held is titular professor since 2020.
Reporting and evaluation of prediction models in organ transplantation: a scoping review
Transition to home: improving outcomes of children and families - systematic review