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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

Physical Activity and Health


Our goal is to understand what physical activity is and how to measure it (discovery science), to test if interventions increase physical activity (evaluation science), and to assess ways to implement these findings into healthcare, real-world programs, policy, and daily-life (implementation science).


Project title/PI Discovery (D) Evaluation (E) Implementation (I) Link to project page

Eccentric interval training in COPD

Thomas Radtke / Anja Frei

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Health Technology Assessments for the Swiss Medical Board (Dementia, Bariatric Surgery)

Matthias Schwenkglenks

E, I More…

HEPA Europe

Anja Frei

I More…

Mobilise-D: Connecting digital mobility assessment to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsement

Milo Puhan

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