Simona Doneva, MSc
- PhD Candidate CRS
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I grew up in Bulgaria and moved to Germany for my studies. I completed a BSc in Business at the University of Mannheim, where I discovered my passion for data and coding. I then obtained a MSc with focus on Data Science from the University of Mannheim. During my studies I've spent two semesters abroad - in Singapore (NTU) and in China (SJTU). My master's thesis project was at the Bosch Center for AI in Stuttgart and dealt with Neural Ordinary Differential Equations. Before joining the EBPhD program, I worked for 2.5 years as a Data Analytics consultant in Zurich. During my PhD project I will work towards an interface for neuroscience studies using Big Data Analytics approaches (with focus on NLP) in order to support an evidence-based design of animal experiments. My direct supervisor is Benjamin Ineichen PD Dr. Dr., at the University of Zurich.