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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute


Credibility of Recruitment Rates, Counts, and Duration: Statistical Methods and Open-Source Software for Design-Stage Recruitment Analyses (2025-2029)

Scientific studies require a sufficient number of observations for statistical analyses. Whether a study can collect the required number of observations depends on an adequate recruitment rate. The recruitment rate indicates how many observations can be collected in a given period of time. Incorrect recruitment specifications at the design stage can result in too small a number of observations, inconclusive statistical inference, study discontinuation and wasted funding. To better specify recruitment rates and recruitment duration at the design stage, researchers need free access to statistical methods that are currently difficult to find. We consolidate, develop, validate, and implement statistical methods for recruitment analysis at the design stage. To evaluate credibility, informativeness, and robustness of these methods, we use simulations and real-world retrospective and prospective studies. We also focus on intuitive usability of software implementations, accompanied by comprehensive documentation with illustrative examples. Finally, we provide researchers and funding organizations worldwide with user-friendly software for offline and interactive online use. These results can influence study designs in many research areas and the decisions of funding organizations. Realistic recruitment specifications at the design stage can increase the probability of collecting sufficient numbers of observations, resulting in more successfully completed studies, reliable statistical conclusions, and accelerated scientific progress worldwide.

For more information please visit the project page.

Project lead: Malgorzata Roos

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