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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

Immunogenicity and safety of live vaccines under immunosuppression

The study's primary objectives are the

  1. Comparison of viremia levels after yellow fever vaccination in travelers under low dose methotrexate therapy (≤20mg/ /week) and healthy travelers at short intervals after vaccination
  2. Comparison of yellow fever specific antibody levels after yellow fever vaccination in travelers under low dose methotrexate therapy (≤20mg/week) and healthy travelers at short intervals after vaccination

Secondary objectives

  1. Comparison of the percentage of individuals who develop quantitative antibody levels >0.7 LNI (>0.5 IU/ml) in both groups at short intervals after vaccination
  2. Safety assessment of yellow fever vaccination in both groups by studying adverse vaccine reactions


For more information and to participate please visit the project page.

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Christoph Hatz (Project Leader)
Silja Bühler
Michael Freuler
Sabine Schmid-Stoll