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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

Swiss MS Registry: MS and Physiotherapy

This substudy of the Swiss MS Registry will assess the effects of specialized
MS multidisciplinary neurorehabilitation on well-being and disability progression,
based on data obtained at the Berneklinik Crans-Montana over the last two decades.
A first project aims to validate a novel disability measure, SaGAS 10, and to compare
it with other established scores. In a second project, we will explore the effect of rehabilitation among different groups of patients. A third project aims to study the long-term evolution of different disability measures in MS patients. Together, these studies may lead to improved measurement methods and enhance our understanding
of MS disease progression.

For more information and to participate please visit the Swiss MS Registry.


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Viktor von Wyl (Project Leader)
Laura Barin
Milo Puhan