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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

Physical activity policy analysis

This area of work creates new knowledge through the analysis of existing guidance and scientific literature to identify elements of succesful policies to promote physical activity, e.g. through scoping reviews or analysis of grey and scientific literature.
The results are used to continously udpate and improve the Health-Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) Policy Audit Tool (PAT), in collaboration with WHO/Europe and the HEPA Europe working group on national approaches. The HEPA PAT has been developed with and pilot-tested in 7 countries, and an updated version 2 has been released in fall 2015.
Another area of work focusses on the development and implementation of a monitoring system on progress with physical activity policy, in support of the policy agendas of the European Commission as well as the WHO Regional Office for Europe.  Most recent work includes support to the implementation of the montoring system on the implementation of the EU Council Recommendation on HEPA and country fact sheets on physical activity for WHO/Europe.


For more information and to participate please visit the project page.

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Sonja Kahlmeier (Project Leader)
João Breda
Fiona Bull
Eva Martin-Diener
Karen Milton