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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

Swiss National Cohort

The Swiss National Cohort (SNC) is a long-term, census-based, multipurpose cohort and research platform covering the entire population of Switzerland. It is based on the linkage of individual data from the 1990 and 2000 censuses with the registry-based census system since 2010 and the mortality records from 1991 up to 2016. This data can be enhanced with household and building information as well as with environmental exposure model data. A special surplus is offered by the possibility to establish a mortality follow-up for studies like LuftiBus conducted in the past but missed to provide for a follow-up. The main objectives of the SNC are: to offer other cohorts and clinical databases expertise in record linkage and information on socio-economic status, extending follow-up by periodically updating the database with the latest available mortality and migration files and developing measures of socio-economic status that are tailored to the Swiss context. Since 2000, data compilations from the SNC were used for several EU sponsored projects – directed by Prof. Johan Mackenbach (Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) – aiming at assessing inequalities in mortality across Europe and analysing the effects of health policies on health inequalities.

For more information and to participate please visit the project page.



  • Inequalities in alcohol-related mortality in 17 European countries: a retrospective analysis of mortality registers
    Mackenbach JP, Kulhanova I, Bopp M, Borrell C, Deboosere P, Kovacs K, Looman CWN, Leinsalu M, Mäkelä P, Martikainen P, Menvielle G, Rodriguez-Sanz M, Rychtarikova J, de Gelder R, for the DEMETRIQ consortium.
    PLoS Medicine 2015;12(12):e1001909
  • Inequalities in tuberculosis mortality: long-term trends in 11 European countries
    Nagavci BL, de Gelder R, Martikainen P, Deboosere P, Bopp M, Rychtarikova J, Kalediene R, Leinsalu M, Mackenbach JP, for the DEMETRIQ consortium.
    Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2016;20(5):574-581
  • Trends in socioeconomic inequalities in self-assessed health in 17 European countries between 1990 and 2010
    Hu Y, van Lenthe FJ, Borsboom GJ, Looman CWN, Bopp M, Burstrom B, Dzurova D, Ekholm O, Klumbiene J, Lahelma E, Leinsalu M, Regidor E, Santana P, de Gelder R, Mackenbach JP, for the DEMETRIQ consortium.
    JECH 2016;70:644-652
  • Independent at heart: persistent association of altitude with ischemic heart disease mortality after consideration of climate, topography and built environment - a longitudinal cohort study
    Faeh D, Moser A, Panczak R, Bopp M, Röösli M, Spoerri A.
    JECH 2016;70:798-806
  • Changes in mortality inequalities over two decades: register based study of European countries
    Mackenbach JP, Kulhanova I, Artnik B, Bopp M, Borrell C, Clemens T, Costa G, Dibben C, Kalediene R, Lundberg O, Martikainen P, Menvielle G, Östergren O, Prochorskas R, Rodriguez-Sanz M, Strand BH, Looman CWN, de Gelder R.
    BMJ 2016;353:i1732
  • The impact of increasing income inequalities on educational inequalities in mortality – An analysis of six European countries
    Hoffmann R, Hu Y, de Gelder R, Menvielle G, Bopp M, Mackenbach JP, for the DEMETRIQ consortium.
    Int J for Equity in Health 2016;15:103
  • Determinants of aggregate length of hospital stay in the last year of life in Switzerland
    Hedinger D, Braun J, Kaplan V, Bopp M.
    BMC Health Services Research 2016;16:463
  • Contribution of smoking to socio-economic inequalities in mortality: a study of 14 European countries, 1990-2004
    Gregoraci G, van Lenthe FJ, Artnik B, Bopp M, Deboosere P, Kovács K, Looman CWN, Martikainen P, Menvielle G, Peters F, Wojtyniak B, de Gelder R, Mackenbach JP, for the DEMETRIQ consortium.
    Tob Control 2017;26:260-268
  • “Fundamental causes” of inequalities in mortality: an empirical test of the theory in 20 European populations.
    Mackenbach JP, Looman CWN, Artnik B, Bopp M, Deboosere P, Dibben C, Kalediene R, Kovács K, Leinsalu M, Martikainen P, Regidor E, Rychtaříková J, de Gelder R.
    Sociology of Health & Illness 2017;39:1117-1133
  • The turn of the gradient? Educational differences in breast cancer mortality in 18 European populations during the 2000s
    Gadeyne S, Menvielle G, Kulhanova I, Bopp M, Deboosere P, Eikemo TA, Hoffmann R, Kovács K, Leinsalu M, Martikainen P, Regidor E, Rychtaříková J, Spadea T, Strand BH, Trewin C, Wojtyniak B, Mackenbach JP.
    Int J Cancer 2017;141:33-44
  • Type A personality and mortality: Competitiveness but not speed is associated with increased risk
    Lohse T, Rohrmann S, Richard A, Bopp M, Faeh D.
    Atherosclerosis 2017;262:19-24
  • Trends in educational inequalities in obesity in 15 European countries between 1990 and 2010
    Hoffmann K, De Gelder R, Hu Y, Bopp M, Vitrai J, Lahelma J, Menvielle G, Santana P, Regidor E, Ekholm O, Mackenbach JP, van Lenthe FJ.
    Int J Behav Nutrit Phys Activ 2017;14:63
  • Trends in inequalities in mortality amenable to health care: a study of 17 European countries
    Mackenbach J, Hu Y, Artnik B, Bopp M, Costa G, Kalediene R, Martikainen P, Menvielle G, Strand BH, Woytiniak B, Nusselder W.
    Health Affairs 2017;36:1110-1118
  • Body height and mortality - mortality follow-up of four Swiss surveys
    Rohrmann S, Haile SR, Staub K, Bopp M, Faeh D.
    Prev Med 2017;101:67-71
  • Determinants of the magnitude of socioeconomic inequalities in mortality: A study of 17 European countries
    Mackenbach J, Bopp M, Deboosere P, Kovacs K, Leinsalu M, Martikainen P, Menvielle G, Regidor E, de Gelder R.
    Health&Place 2017;47:44-53
  • Educational expansion and inequalities in mortality – A fixed-effects analysis using longitudinal data from 18 European populations.
    Östergren O, Lundberg O, Artnik B, Bopp M, Borrell C, Kalediene R, Leinsalu M, Martikainen P, Regidor E, Rodriguez-Sanz M, de Gelder R, Mackenbach JP.
    PLoS ONE 2017;12(8):e0182526
  • Mortalität nach Berufsgruppen in der Schweiz 1990-2008: Machbarkeitsstudie und Empfehlungen (Swiss National Cohort Report Nr. 8)
    Meyer J, Faeh D, Bopp M.
    Forschung und Dokumentation 37, Institut für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention der Universität Zürich, 2017
  • Record Linkage der Todesfälle in der Medizinischen Statistik der Krankenhäuser und der Statistik der Sozialmedizinischen Institutionen 2002 - 2012 mit der Swiss National Cohort (Swiss National Cohort Report Nr. 9)
    Zellweger U, Bopp M.
    Forschung und Dokumentation 38, Institut für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention der Universität Zürich, 2017
  • Calibration adjustments to address bias in mortality analyses due to informative sampling - a census-linked survey analysis in Switzerland
    Moser A, Bopp M, Zwahlen M, Swiss National Cohort study group.
    PeerJ 2018;6:e4376
  • Socio-economic inequalities in suicide in Europe: the widening gap
    Lorant V, de Gelder R, Kapadia D, Borrell C, Kalediene R, Kovács K, Leinsalu M, Martikainen P, Menvielle G, Regidor E, Rodriguez-Sanz M, Wojtyniak B, Strand BH, Bopp M, Mackenbach JP.
    Br J Psychiatry 2018;212:356-361 DOI: 10.1192/bjp.2017.32
  • BMI-mortality-association: shape independent of smoking status but different for chronic lung disease and lung cancer
    Faeh D, Kaufmann M, Haile SR, Bopp M.
    Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2018;13:1851-1855
  • Trends in health inequalities in 27 European countries
    Mackenbach JP, Valverde JR, Artnik B, Bopp M, Brønnum-Hansen H, Deboosere P, Kalediene R, Kovacs K, Leinsalu M, Martikainen P, Menvielle G, Regidor E, Richtařikova J, Rodriguez-Sanz M, Vineis P, White C, Woytiniak B, Hu Y, Nusselder WJ.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U.S.A. 2018;115(25):6440-6445

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Matthias Bopp (Project Leader)
Milo Puhan
Alexandra Strassmann
Ueli Zellweger


Swiss National Science Foundation