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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

Hospital and nursing home stays in Switzerland

Demographic ageing and the increasing prevalence of chronic disease are substantial challenges for the healthcare system in developed countries. In a first project part it could be shown, that non-medical factors significantly influenced patients’ place of
death and the pathways of care in hospitals and nursing homes. A special focus
of this project is on hospitalizations of nursing home residents. The medical benefit
of these referrals is controversial, all the more as representative data concerning
the practice of hospitalization of LTC inhabitants in Switzerland is lacking.



  • Determinants of aggregate length of
    hospital stay in the last year of life in Switzerland.
    Hedinger D, Braun J, Kaplan V, Bopp M. BMC
    Health Services Research 2016;16:463
  • Impact of structural and economic factors on hospitalization costs, inpatient mortality and treatment type of traumatic hip fractures in Switzerland.
    Mehra T, Moos RM, Seifert B, Bopp M, Simmen HP, Neuhaus V, Ciritsis B.
    Archives of Osteoporosis 2017;12:7
  • Record Linkage der Todesfälle in der Medizinischen Statistik der
    Krankenhäuser und der Statistik der Sozialmedizinischen Institutionen
    2002-2012 mit der Swiss National Cohort (Swiss National Cohort Report Nr. 9).
    Zellweger U, Bopp M.
    Forschung und Dokumentation 38, Institut für
    Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention der Universität Zürich, 2017

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Matthias Bopp (Project Leader)
Ueli Zellweger


Swiss National Cohort Funds