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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

Videoanalyse im Langsamverkehr

Current understanding of effectiveness of measures to promote active travel
or increase safety is limited. Safety evaluations in particular are challenging,
because crashes are rare events and challenging to measure in parallel with
possible explanatory factors. Videoanalysis is a promising method to overcome
several challenges, such as sufficient sample size and accurate, object measures
of conflicts. VALVE is a series of exploratory evaluations of cycling infrastructures
which equally aim at evaluating these measures as well as assessing the feasibility
and improving the methodology.


  • Towards a comprehensive safety evaluation of cycling infrastructure including objective and subjective measures. T Götschi, A Castro, M Deforth, L Miranda-Moreno, S Zangenehpour. Journal of Transport & Health 8, 44-54

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Thomas Götschi (Project Leader)
Alberto Castro Fernandez
Manja Deforth


The study was funded by Suva accident insurance and by AXA Foundation for Prevention.