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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

Mortality risk by occupation and education in the Swiss National Cohort

In Switzerland as in most other countries, information about the variation of survival and mortality risk due to socio-demographic factors is generally scarce and prone
to numerator/denominator problems. This especially applies to educational level and occupation/profession, the latter hitherto in Switzerland among men only fragmentarily and among women not at all examined. The Swiss National Cohort (SNC) as
a nationwide data base covering the entire population of Switzerland enables
more valid and reliable analyses, even for small subpopulations like Catholic order members. In addition, the SNC offers also new perspectives for historical cohorts
like SILAG, for which a mortality follow-up can be established.



  • Mortalität nach Berufsgruppen in der Schweiz 1990-2008:
    Machbarkeitsstudie und Empfehlungen (Swiss National Cohort Report Nr. 8).
  • Meyer J, Faeh D, Bopp M. Forschung und Dokumentation 37, Institut für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention der Universität Zürich, 2017

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Matthias Bopp (Project Leader)
Fabio Barresi
Holger Dressel
David Fäh
Julia Meyer
Ueli Zellweger


Funding from
Small Nested Projects of SNC