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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

Swiss Youth Epidemiological Study on Mental Health (S-YESMH)

Mental disorders are a significant and growing cause of morbidity worldwide.
This is also the case in Switzerland, where one in six residents is estimated to have symptoms indicative of a clinically significant mental disorder. The proportion of new IV-Rente recipients who received disability compensation due to a mental illness increased from 28% in 1997 to 43% in 2010, making mental illness the most
prevalent reason for receiving disability compensation (IV-Rente) in Switzerland. This development is especially pronounced in young people, among whom the number of IV-Rente recipients receiving disability compensation due to a psychiatric diagnosis has tripled since 1995. Despite the importance of this topic, the Swiss Health Observatory (OBSAN) has reported a pressing need for epidemiological data
to estimate the healthcare needs and rates of untreated mental disorders within
the population, especially in children and youth. The Swiss Youth Epidemiological Study on Mental Health (S-YESMH) will estimate the prevalence of common mental disorders among young people in Switzerland and the treatment gap as well as
identify factors associated with common mental disorders and their non-treatment.

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Meichun Mohler-Kuo (Project Leader)

Laura Werlen


Swiss National Science Foundation