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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

SURFit: Effects of a 1-year partially supervised exercise programme in childhood cancer survivors – a randomized controlled trial

Beyond survival, modern childhood cancer treatment strives to preserve long-term health and health-related quality of life. While survival rates have reached 80%, there is increasing evidence for short- and long-term adverse effects. The objectives of this study are to assess the effect of a partially supervised individualized exercise program supported by motivational feedback on a cardiovascular risk, bone health and quality of life in young adults after having survived their childhood cancer and are recurrence free for 5 years and more. The project is finished and will soon be published. We now participate in an international follow-up project in younger children with a similar focus than SURfit – PACCS (Physical Activity in Childhood Cancer Survivors)


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Susi Kriemler (Project Leader)
Julia Braun
Ruedi Jung (PhD Candidate)
Corina Rüegg
Nicolas von der Weid
Simeon Zürcher (PhD Candidate)


- Krebsliga Schweiz
- Fond'Action
- Stiftung zur Krebsbekämpfung
- Stiftung Krebshilfe
- Fondation Recherche
   sur le Cancer de l'Enfant
- Krebskranke Kinder Basel
- Taecker Stiftung für Krebsforschung
- Stiftung Henriette und
   Hans-Rudolf Dubach-Bucher
- Gedächtnis-Stiftung
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