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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

Comparison of two commercially available devices to measure nitric oxide lung diffusing capacity in healthy, non-smoking adults

The measurement of nitric oxide lung diffusing capacity (DLNO) has been recently standardised. To date, two pulmonary function devices are commercially available and are used for the measurement of DLNO. However, no previous study has compared gas exchange outcomes (i.e.,DLNO values) between both devices.The aim of this randomised crossover study is to compare two commercially available devices to measure DLNO („MasterScreenTM“, PFT Pro, Jaeger, CareFusion, Hoechberg, Germany versus „HypAir“, Medisoft, Dinant, Belgium).


Lung diffusing capacity for nitric oxide measured by two commercial devices: a randomised crossover comparison in healthy adults

Thomas Radtke, Quintin de Groot, Sarah R. Haile, Marion Maggi, Connie C.W. Hsia, Holger Dressel

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Thomas Radtke (Project Lead)
Holger Dressel
Sarah Haile
Quintin de Groot
Marion Maggi-Bebba