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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute IBNP Forum 2025


Submission of Abstracts and Workshops

First call submissions of abstracts and workshops for the 19th International Forum for Back and Neck Pain Research in Primary Care in Davos, Switzerland is now closed.

We thank you for your numerous submissions.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
You can access your submissions via this link

Late-Breaking Abstracts Submission Now Open!

IBNP Forum 2025 is offering one last opportunity for researchers and professionals in back and neck pain to present their latest findings at the 19th International Forum for Back and Neck Pain Research in Primary Care, taking place from 24-27 June 2025 in Davos, Switzerland.

This exclusive Late-Breaking Abstract Call is open for both oral and poster presentations, allowing you to share your most recent advancements with a distinguished global audience of experts, clinicians, and researchers with an interest in reducing the clinical and public health burden of back and neck pain.

Late Break Submission Deadline: 16 March 2025, 23:59 CET

Submit your abstract here.

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