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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

Crafting life for health and wellbeing: Understanding different types of crafting in everyday life and in challenging times (Craft4Health)

Background and rationale: In the new flexible and digitalized working life, life domains increasingly overlap, and a holistic perspective on life, including both work and leisure, is urgently needed.  Crafting is a proactive behaviour that is oriented towards a unique person-environment fit. Through such crafting, employees can individually align their work and nonwork experience according to their values and needs. Job Crafting is a well-established strategy to lower work demands, increase resources, achieve better person-job fit and meaningful work. In this project, we extend this strategy of proactively shaping one's (work)-life by including crafting the boundaries between life domains and employees off-job time.

Overall and specific aims: Our study's overall goal is to investigate how the different forms of crafting the job, off-job time, and the boundary between work and nonwork are related and form patterns of crafting behaviours. We will also examine predictors (i.e., stable, situational, and crisis-related parameters) as well as health and wellbeing related outcomes of single and combined crafting behaviours.
We study these processes and relationships integrating three different data acquisition and analysis strategies: (1) on the long-term (7 waves with 3-month periods; digital surveys before the COVID-19 pandemic), (2) on the short-term (daily; ecological momentary assessments with up to eight assessments per day across one week), and (3) again on the long-term combining surveys with measurements before and during the COVID-19 pandemic (digital survey).

Impact: Our project aims to pave the way for creating a more meaningful and sustainable (working) life where employees have the agency to align their environment with individual needs and values. As a primary consequence of this project, we will identify relevant predictors and outcomes of crafting and patterns of combined crafting strategies. This project directly informs the simultaneous development of hybrid crafting interventions combining in-company training and digital tools.



Brogle, Sophie E.; Kerksieck, Philipp; Bauer, Georg F.; Morstatt, Anja I. (2024): Managing boundaries for well-being: a study of work-nonwork balance crafting during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Curr Psychol. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-024-06118-x.

Ho, Kang Leng; Mäkikangas, Anne; Kerksieck, Philipp; Morstatt, Anja Isabel; Bloom, Jessica de; Bauer, Georg F. (2024): Job and off‐job crafting profiles: Time‐lagged relationships with job, home and personal resources and well‐being outcomes. In: Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, DOI: 10.1111/joop.12506.

Kerksieck, P., Kujanpää, M., de Bloom, J., Brauchli, R., Bauer, G.F. (2024) A new perspective on balancing life domains: work–nonwork balance crafting. BMC Public Health 24, 1099. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-024-18646-z

Tušl, Martin; Bauer, Georg F.; Kujanpää, Miika; Toyama, Hiroyuki; Shimazu, Akihito; Bloom, Jessica de (2024): Needs-based job crafting: Validation of a new scale based on psychological needs. In: Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 29 (2), S. 57–71. DOI: 10.1037/ocp0000372.

Kerksieck, Philipp; Brauchli, Rebecca; Bloom, Jessica de; Shimazu, Akihito; Kujanpää, Miika; Lanz, Madeleine; Bauer, Georg F. (2022): Crafting work-nonwork balance involving life domain boundaries: Development and validation of a novel scale across five countries. In: Frontiers in psychology 13. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.892120.

Pijpker, Roald; Kerksieck, Philipp; Tušl, Martin; De Bloom, Jessica; Brauchli, Rebecca; Bauer, Georg F. (2022): The Role of Off-Job Crafting in Burnout Prevention during COVID-19 Crisis: A Longitudinal Study. In: International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (4), S. 1–14. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19042146.

Brauchli, Rebecca; Kerksieck, Philipp; Tušl, Martin; Bauer, Georg F. (2022): Staying healthy during COVID-19 crisis: well-being and salutogenic crafting among German and Swiss working population. In: Health Promot Int, S. 1-13. DOI: 10.1093/heapro/daac004.

Kujanpää, Miika; Syrek, Christine; Tay, Louis; Kinnunen, Ulla; Mäkikangas, Anne; Shimazu, Akihito et al. (2022): Needs-based off-job crafting across different life domains and contexts: Testing a novel conceptual and measurement approach. In: Frontiers in psychology 13. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.959296.

Submitted Manuscripts

Morstatt, A. I., Mäkikangas, A., Ho, K. L., Kerksieck, P., Bauer, G. F., & de Bloom, J. Job and off-job crafting profiles and the longitudinal workload-recovery association: Risks for low crafters

Ho, K. L., de Bloom, J., Kerksieck, P., Mäkikangas, A., and Bauer, G. F. Patterns of changes in well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Investigating the role of crafting, demands and resources.

Morstatt, A. I., Bauer, G. F., de Bloom, J., Roman, Z. J., Tušl, M, & Kerksieck, P. Crafting for health: A longitudinal study of job and off-job crafting changes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Morstatt, A. I., Bauer, G. F., Kerksieck, P., Casper, A., Sjöström-Bujacz, A., & de Bloom, J. Linking anticipation of workday characteristics and positive affect in the Zorning to daily dynamics of needs-based crafting at work.

Lehmann, Anja; Kerksieck, Philipp; Bauer, Georg F.: Long-term development in job crafting in employees with and without mental health issues during COVID-19: The role of job resources.

Manuscripts in preparation for Submission

Morstatt, A. I., Bauer, G. F., Brogle, S. E., Kerksieck, P., & de Bloom, J. Concurrent and lagged curvilinear links between job crafting and recovery experiences

Ho, K. L., Kerksieck, P., Bauer, G. F., & de Bloom, J. Moment-to-moment dynamics of crafting, nature exposure, nature relatedness, and energy throughout working days: Using Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling.

Kerksieck, Kujnapää, Bauer, G.F & De Bloom. Crafting Beyond the Job: Drivers of Off-job Crafting and Impact on Mental Health, Burnout, and Work Engagement

Talks and Conference Contributions


De Bloom, J., Kujanpää, M., Bauer, G.F., Kerksieck, P., Kosenkranius, M. & Tušl, M.: Needs-based crafting: How workers proactive shaping of work- and leisure experiences affects their health, well-being and performance. Invited talk at the 34th International Congress on Occupational Health, Marrakesh, Morocco. 

Chair & Talk: Kerksieck, P., Mötteli, S., Bauer, G. F., Richter, D. & Zürcher, S. J.:  Supporting Rapid and Sustainable Return to Work for Employees with Mental Disorders: New Avenues for a Randomised Controlled Trial. Session: Work, Employment and Mental Health. 21 Congress European Psychiatric Association - Epidemiology & Social Psychiatry, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Kerksieck, P., Bauer, G. F., Richter, D. & Zürcher, S. J.: Supporting employee mental health with proactive vitality management and needs-based crafting: Outline for a randomized controlled trial on salutogenic interventions. 7th international Conference on Salutogenesis, Lodz, Poland.

Morstatt, A. I., Bauer, G. F., De Bloom, J., Roman, Z.A., Tušl, M. & Kerksieck, P.: Crafting for Health: A Longitudinal Study of Job and Off-Job Crafting Changes during the COVID-19 Pandemic. European Association of Occupational Health Psychology, Granada, Spain

Ho, K. L., De Bloom, J., Kerksieck, P.; Mäkikangas, A.; Bauer, G. F.: Patterns of Changes in Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany, Switzerland and Austria: Investigating the Role of Crafting, Demands and Resources in Work and Non-Work Domains. European Association of Occupational Health Psychology, Granada.

Ho, K. L., de Bloom, J., Kerksieck, P., Mäkikangas, A., and Bauer, G. F. (2024, Feb 13-14). Moment-to-moment dynamics of crafting, nature exposure, nature relatedness, and energy throughout working days: Using Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling. In L. M. Mülder (Chair), How is crafting helping? Zooming into crafting approaches and their transformative potential for job characteristics, health, and environmental situational factors [Symposium]. The 2024 Centre for Transformative Work Design Conference, Perth, Australia 


Kerksieck; P. “Crafting beyond the job. New perspectives in crafting research”, Department of Digital Mental Health, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Japan.

Kerksieck, P., Ho, K. L., Morstatt, A., de Bloom, J., & Bauer, G. F.: “A new perspective on the work-nonwork balance: Work-Nonwork Balance Crafting”. Chair: Shimazu, A. and Nakata, A. “Work Engagement, Positive Mental Health in the Workplace”. Joint Congress of the International Commission on Occupational Health – Work Organizations and Psychosocial Factors & Asia Pacific Academy for Psychosocial Factors at Work, Tokyo, Japan.

Ho, K. L., De Bloom, J., Kerksieck, P., Mäkikangas, A. & Bauer, G. F.: “Patterns of changes in well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Investigating the role of crafting, demands and resources”. Small Group Meeting: “The "great rethink": Understanding work engagement, performance, and well-being in the new work normal.” European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Kerksieck, P.: “The Craft4Health project: Employee health and wellbeing in challenging times”, Seminar Series, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute, University of Zurich.

Kerksieck, P., Ho, K. L., Kujanpää, M., Weigelt, O. & Bauer, G. F.: “Future-oriented job crafting. How crafting shapes employees' perception of the future of work. A survey on 18.000 employees in 35 countries”. Symposium chair: Kujanpää, M. & Bauer, G. F., “New horizons of crafting: Needs-based crafting in changing working lives”, European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Katowice, Poland.

Lehmann, A. I., Kerksieck, P. & Bauer, G. F.: “Changes in job crafting during the COVID-19 pandemic in employees with and without mental health issues: The role of job resources”. Do it Yourself – Multilevel Perspectives on Job Crafting in the Workplace. Symposium chair: Ariana Constantini, European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Katowice, Poland.

Ho, K. L., Kerksieck, P., De Bloom, J. & Bauer, G. F.: “Situational and daily crafting patterns across life domains during working days: The role of personal resources and environmental situational factors”. Symposium: When and why do people craft? Zooming in on predictors and the role of psychological needs.  What is Causing Crafting Behaviour? Setting the Light on Predictors and Need Satisfaction. Symposium chair: Mülder, L. Discussant: de Bloom, J., European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Katowice, Poland.

Morstatt, A. I., Bauer, G. F., Kerksieck, P., Casper, A., Sjöström-Bujacz, A., and de Bloom, J. Anticipatory processes as predictors for day-specific crafting patterns across life domains and its consequence for the recovery process. What happens at work, stays at work...? How and when work experiences spill over into recovery time. Symposium chair: Rutten, R., and Hülsheger, U., European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Katowice, Poland.

Yan, N., Kosenkranius, M., Kerksieck, P. & De Bloom, J.: Need-based crafting and work-life balance during the day. Crafting jobs and beyond: How crafting is linked with changes across contexts. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Katowice, Poland.

Jenny, G. J., Kerksieck, P. & Bauer, G. F.: The Crafting Playbook: a playful way to more balance and meaning at work. Novel perspectives on interventions to increase workers’ well-being and performance during times of change. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Katowice, Poland.

Bauer, G.F.: Keynote: Crafting: Digitalisierung gesund gestalten. Die Herausforderungen im Gesundheitswesen an die Ärztin des 21. Jahrhunderts. Jahrestagung Verband Schweizer Ärztinnen, Zürich.

Bauer, G.F.: Keynote: Trends und Chancen im BGM. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Organisation SGO, Community of Practice Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement Zürich.


Ho, K. L., Morstatt A. I., Mäkikangas, A., Kerksieck, P., de Bloom, J., & Bauer, G. F.: “Patterns of combined job and off-job crafting: predictors in work and private life and their relationship with work engagement and mental well-being.” “Short- and Long-term Life Crafting: Understanding and Fostering the Crafting of Work, Leisure, Work-Life Boundaries and of the Future of Work, Symposium chair: de Bloom, J., and Bauer, G. F., European Association of Occupational Health Psychology, Bordeaux, France.

Kerksieck, P., Ho, K. L., Bauer, G. F.: How future-oriented job crafting is associated with employees’ perception of the future of work. Results from a global study in 35 countries. Short- and Long-term Life Crafting: Understanding and Fostering the Crafting of Work, Leisure, Work-Life Boundaries and of the Future of Work, Symposium chair: de Bloom, J., and Bauer, G. F., European Association of Occupational Health Psychology, Bordeaux, France.

Morstatt, A. I., Ho, K. L., Kerksieck, P., Mäkikangas, A., de Bloom, J., and Bauer, G. F.: Longitudinal relation between workload and recovery: Job and off-job crafting profiles as possible moderators. (2022, July). Short- and Long-term Life Crafting: Understanding and Fostering the Crafting of Work, Leisure, Work-Life Boundaries and of the Future of Work [Symposium] Chair: de Bloom, J., and Bauer, G. F., European Association of Occupational Health Psychology, Bordeaux, France.

Kerksieck, P., Kujanpää, M., de Bloom, J., Brauchli, R., Bauer, G.F.: “Beyond job crafting: Antecedents and outcomes of boundary and off-job crafting”. “Only time will tell? – The role of time for research on stress, recovery, and well-being”. Symposium chair: Kühnel, J. and Vahle-Hinz, T., European Association of Occupational Health Psychology, Bordeaux, France.

Kerksieck, P.: “The Craft4Health project: Employee health and wellbeing in challenging times”. Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute, University of Zurich, Switzerland.

Kerksieck, P. “Work-nonwork balance crafting & Off-job crafting”. Crafting work and life for employee health and well-being in challenging times. Symposium chair: De Bloom, J. & Kerksieck, P.: 23rd European Academy of Management Conference: “Leading the digital transformation”, Winterthur, Switzerland.

Yan, N., Kosenkranius, M., Kerksieck, P., De Bloom, J. “Need-based crafting and work-life balance: An ecological momentary assessment approach”. Crafting work and life for employee health and well-being in challenging times. Symposium chair: De Bloom, J. & Kerksieck, P.: 23rd European Academy of Management Conference: “Leading the digital transformation”, Winterthur, Switzerland.


Kerksieck, P., Brauchli, R. Tušl, M. & Bauer, G. F. “Staying healthy during COVID-19 crisis: Well-being and salutogenic crafting in Swiss & German employees”. Symposium: “Psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: What can we learn from the crisis to increase public health?” Swiss Public Health Conference, Berne, Switzerland (online).

Kerksieck, P., Bauer, G. F. & Brauchli, R. “Crafting of work and nonwork life as proactive salutogenic strategy for surviving and thriving” presented at the International Conference on Salutogenesis, Girona, Italy (online).

Further scientific output

Mäkikangas, Anne; Bloom, Jessica de; Kerksieck, Philipp; Kujanpää, Miika (2024): Sustainable work through crafting. In: Peter Kruyen, Stéfanie André und Beatrice van der Heijden (Hg.): Maintaining a sustainable work-life balance. An interdisciplinary path to a better future. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing (New horizons in management series), S. 213-219.

Doctoral Thesis: Morstatt, A.M. (2024): Short- to Long-Term Dynamics and Interconnectivity of Job and Off- Job Crafting and Their Relevance for Employee Well-Being. University of Zurich.

Doctoral Thesis: Ho, K. L. (2024): Job and Off-Job Crafting: Navigating the Interconnected Work and Non-Work Domains for Occupational and Mental Well-Being. University of Zurich.

Media Coverage

Bauer, G.F.: Flexwork und Gesundheit – Wo Chancen und wo Risiken in der Arbeitsflexibilisierung liegen. Leader. Das Magazin von Swiss Leaders, December 2023.

Bauer, G.F.: Den eigenen Job gestalten. Dossier – mit Köpfchen und KI. UZHmagazin (3/24).

De Bloom, J.: Podcast on recovery

De Bloom, J.: The DRAM(MA) of the COVID-19 pandemic

De Bloom, J. & Kosenkranius, M.: How to craft a harmonious life. AEON magazine

Kerksieck, P.: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – Beruf und Chance, 17.6.2023 Gestaltete Freizeit ist keine Leerlaufzeit

Mills, K. I., Pressman, S., & De Bloom, J.: Speaking of Psychology: Why you should take a vacation—and how to get the most out of it, with Jessica de Bloom, PhD, and Sarah Pressman, PhD

Research Partnerships and Visits

Jessica de Bloom visited several times the collaborator at the University of Zurich and provided research talks at the University of Zurich, e.g., at the Digital Society Initiative at the University of Zurich.

Philipp Kerksieck: Research visit at the unit of Prof. Dr. Akihito Shimazu, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, 09-10/2023.

Kang Leng Ho: research visit at Future of Work Institute (FOWI), Curtin University, Australia, 02/2024.

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