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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

First International Meeting on Teaching Epidemiology, June 2018

26 – 27 June, 2018
Zurich, Switzerland


The 1st International Meeting on Teaching Epidemiology is hosted by the Epidemiology, Biostatistics und Prevention Institute (EBPI) of the University of Zurich.

This meeting is organized as an interactive, structured process in order to find
a consensus for core competencies, but with ample room for exchange and discussions. Attendance is restricted to 100 participants, with a goal of achieving broad diversity in terms career stage (academic epidemiologists, advanced
PhD students and PostDocs), teaching experience, geography and subfields
of epidemiology. Together, participants will work towards a consensus for core competencies for epidemiologists that we expect to be important for our current
and future roles in health research. These core competencies would also be
the  foundation of a curriculum to be taught in graduate programs.

Starting from a first set of core competencies that were elaborated during an earlier meeting this year, we will discuss current and future opportunities and challenges
in our field (e.g., students having more diverse professional backgrounds, big data, personalized health, digitalization, etc.). Against the background of these ongoing
or anticipated developments, we will identify the need for refining or adding further core competencies . Finally, we will explore how these novel core competencies may be integrated into current curricula and brainstorm on innovative teaching methods.



  1. To identify and agree on traditional and
    “emerging” core competencies for epidemiologists
  2. To discuss how curricula for MSc and PhD programs in epidemiology could be adapted to help students acquire traditional and “emerging” core competencies
  3. To have 1-2 papers on the above to share the
    results of the conference with the community of epidemiologists
  4. To agree on how to proceed after the conference
    (i.e. organize exchange among schools, follow-up meeting, papers)


Invited are international academic epidemiologists who are involved in teaching
and research. We envision this meeting to be a highly interactive and engaging
event that will result in one or two publications in a scientific journal. Therefore,
we expect an active role from participants in discussing and formulating core competences for current and future epidemiologists.


Attendance is restricted to 100 participants, and the organizers strive for broad diversity in terms career stage (academic epidemiologists, advanced PhD students and PostDocs), teaching experience, geography and subfields of epidemiology.

Organizing committee:
• Milo Puhan (University of Zurich)
• Albert Hofman (Harvard University)
• Gerben ter Riet (University of Amsterdam)
• Alfredo Morabia (Columbia University)
• Ali Abraham (Johns Hopkins University)
• Viktor von Wyl (University of Zurich).


Contact information: Doreen Gille, E-Mail

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on Teaching Epidemiology,
June 2018