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Leonhard Held earned his Ph.D. in Statistics at LMU Munich in 1997 under the supervision of Ludwig Fahrmeir. His thesis is on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to analyze longitudinal data. In 2000- 2006 he was Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor for Biostatistics at Imperial College London, Lancaster University and LMU Munich, respectively. In 2006 he joined the University of Zurich (UZH) as Full Professor. He delivered the Armitage Lecture at the University of Cambridge in 2015 on probabilistic forecasting of infectious disease spread. His current research focuses on the statistical assessment of replicability. He is founding Director of the Center for Reproducible Science and currently Open Science Delegate at UZH.
For current research projects, publications and further details see his ORCID record and Google Scholar profile.